  • 期刊


A Study on the Resonant Reflector for Ultrasonic Vibratory Welding


本研究之主要目的在於發展一種新的超音波振動銲接技術,希望藉由振動能量的介入能夠直接控制銲道微組織,使結晶微細化並降低偏析現象的發生。此方法主要藉由一個特別的設計使得振動聚能反射體將超音波振動能量聚焦至銲位置,以避免振動能量的衰減。研究中首先利用有限元素分析模擬計算平面剪力波聚焦性能與反射體的幾何形狀參數間的關係,藉以求得反射的設計原則。根據計算所得之最佳條件進行實際振動輔助銲接實驗。銲接時所用之振動源為頻率20 kHz的壓電式超音波振動致動器,而銲接方法為電漿電弧銲接,以常用之AISI 304不銹鋼為銲接母材進行不填料銲接實驗。銲接實驗結果將進行各項機械性質與微觀組織的分析,以瞭解超音波振動銲接的性能與作用機制。使用開放式反射聚焦方式進行不填料PAW焊接並觀察金相組織,發現施加超音波能量會打斷樹枝狀結晶使枝狀晶成長方向成等向性發展而非一般銲道的固定方向枝狀晶。


振動銲接 超音波 VWC


The purpose of this study is to develop a new method for ultra-sonic vibratory welding. This new approach can control the micro structure of weld and minimize segregation by introducing the energy of ultrasonic vibration. A reflector can focus the energy to the location of welding will be design and test by experiment. The vibration energy transportation phenomena of the reflectors with different design parameters will be simulate by finite element analysis. A reflector will be made according to the best condition of reflector geometry. Ultra sonic vibration aided welding will be tested with 304 stainless steel to investigate the performance and mechanism of this new approach. The vibration source used in this study is a 600W, 20kHz piezoelectric actuator. The micro structures and mechanical properties of the experimental result will be fully investigated.


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