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L. Ron Hubbard's Philosophy: Beingness, Doingness and Havingness on Pinter's "The Room"





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Perhaps when a bomb flew over Pinter's head in his teens in 1944, Pinter already saw through what life was. Life, probably for Pinter, is something out of his expectation and control like the bomb, but people manage to survive in their own way. Pinter's characters encounter difficulty living their lives as much as we do. How do the problems of life arise? L. Ron Hubbard provides us with some very interesting answers. L. Ron Hubbard, 1911-1986, was an American philosopher, humanitarian and Founder of the Church of Scientology. He devoted all his entire life to the research of how to improve the human living condition, believing that with real [mine italics] understanding of knowledge, human beings can solve every problem they encounter in life. In this paper, based on L. Ron Hubbard’s philosophy on life, especially the idea of beingness, doingness and havingness, we would like to probe into how the relationship among the three elements affect the life of Pinter’s characters in The Room. The definition of the three elements will be explained and their relationship will be investigated. Then how the three elements are connected to and tangle with the life of Rose, the protagonist, as well as her husband Bert will be closely examined in this study. The reason Rose fails to identify herself as well as what prices she has to pay in pursuit of her identity is the main focus. Furthermore, we will also delve into how an identity with wrong definition leads a person to what catastrophic dénouement for Bert in this paper.


The Room Hubbard Beingness Doingness Havingness


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