  • 期刊


A Study on the Conventional Agriculture Transition to Organic Agriculture In Hakka Village-A case study of Longdong Village of Xihu Township


本研究以梅茲洛(Jack Mezirow)的「觀點轉化」(Perspective Transformation)理論以及羅吉斯(Everett M. Rogers)的創新擴散(Diffusion of Innovation)理論為基礎,參考國外的農業轉型,對我國農業轉型的啟示;並從探討臺灣農業的轉型及苗栗縣農業的轉型,研究慣行農作轉型至有機農作時概念的轉化模式。本研究以訪談方式對龍洞村內8位有機農夫及2位非有機農夫進行深度訪談。研究發現,推動「有機村」時有機農夫從慣行到有機的歷程為:1.「有機」概念從「農村再生計畫」開始;2.「有機」相關的訊息來自於農政單位、認證機構、網路及農友間互相取經;3.為了「永續經營」的理念,從「慣行」轉作「有機」;4.家人的支持是最大的後盾,堅持「有機」之路;5.「食安風暴」堅定了「做有機」是走對的路;6.產量不比慣行時少,收入卻提高很多,是最大的成就感;8.契作是最主要的行銷管道。此外,本研究發現推動「有機村」面臨的問題,來自各個層面,建議地方農會能給予有機農民全方位的協助、政府機關透過立法釋放更多的土地給有興趣進行有機耕作的青農。


Jack Mezirow's Theory of Perspective Transformation and Everett M. Rogers's Theory of Diffusion of Innovation were adopted to investigate the agricultural transformation process on how conventional farming transforms into organic farming in Taiwan. Based on the agricultural transformation process of foreign countries, the present study also explores the process of a transforming case of customary farming to organic farming in Miaoli County to provide suggestions to the traditional farming. The participants of the present study were eight organic farmers and two non-organic farmers. Data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews. From the collected data, the researcher analyzed the reasons and difficulties that made those conventional famers unwilling to transform into organic farming. Findings about how conventional farming transforms into organic farming are as follows : (1) the concept of "Organic" came from Rural Regeneration Plan; (2) information about Organic farming were from the Council of Agriculture in Taiwan, certified agricultural institutions, internet and other organic farmers; (3) the promotion of conventional farming into organic farming is to make the agricultural industry in Londong village sustainable; (4) family is the powerful backing for conducting the agricultural transformation continuously; (5) the food scandal made organic farmers persistence on organic farming; (6) adopting organic farming did not decrease the crop productivity but has raised a better level of income than conventional farming; (7) contract farming is the main distribution channel to sell products. Lastly, suggestions and recommendations for Local Farmers' Association in conducting organic farming are as follows: (1) Local Farmers' Associations are encouraged to be all-out for supporting organic farmers; (2) it is suggested to legislate to release more farmland for those who are interested in organic farming; (3) if the organic farming leads to overproduction, government should adopt the procurement policy to keep the organic crops at a granted price(same as in conventional farming) ; (4) government should actively furnish organic farmers with relevant information about organic farming in case of farmers' rights being affected by rumors.


林金定、嚴嘉楓、陳美花(2005)。〈質性研究方法:訪談模式與實施步驟分析〉。身心障礙研究,3(2),頁 122-136。
