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Effect of the Intumescent Fire-Retardant Paints on Fire Resistance in Plywood



為改善室內建材之抗燃性,本試驗以柳桉素面合板為試材,依中國國家標準CNS-6532之規定,以建築材料燃燒性試驗裝置,分別探討DPW, FCW, FSW, FBF, FLK及FUV等六種發泡型防火塗料對合板抗燃性之改善效能。由試驗結果得知,六種發泡型防火塗料中,以DPW之抗燃效能最好,其次為FLK;再次為FSW, FCW及FBF,而油性透明塗料FUV效果最差。4.5mm厚之合板,DPW塗料只需500g/平方公尺之塗佈量即可通過CNS-6532耐燃三級之要求;而塗料FLK,則需塗佈量600g/平方公尺;塗料FSW, FCW及FBF,則更需塗佈量700g/平方公尺以上,才能通過耐燃三級。雖然各種防火塗料之抗燃效能有明顯的差異,但是,各種發泡型防火塗料,均具有可延緩著火時間、降低發熱量及發煙量之特性,在火災發生時,可提供較充裕且良好之逃生條件,並延長滅火時效;惟在實際應用時,除了必須嚴格控制均勻的塗膜厚度外,並應考量廠牌之不同,施予足夠的塗佈量,以確保其抗燃功能。


The commercial intumescent fire-retardant paints, including DPW, FSW, FCW, FBF, FLK, and FUV, were applied to one surface of plywood to resist fire accident. A building material-combustibility-tester (model F2-RE3 from Toyoseki, Japan) and Chinese National Standards CNS-6532 were used in the experiment to evaluate the fire resistance of plywood coated with intumescent fire-retardant paints. The results revealed that the fire resistance effectiveness among the six kinds of intumescent fire-retardant paints was in order of: DPW>FLK>FCW, FSW, FBF>FUV. When DPW was applied onto a 4.5 mm thick Lauan (Shorea spp.) plywood surface at a rate of 500g/m^2, the effect of fire resistance was in accordance with ”Grade 3 Incombustibility” of the surface flammability test prescribed in CNS-6532. In order to meet the standand of ”Grade 3 Incombustibility” of the surface flammability test as specified in CNS-6532, the application rate of FLK was 600g/m^2 and that of FSW, FCW or FBF was more than 700g/m^2 applied to the surface. Although the fire resistance of various fire-retardant paints showed tremendous differences, all of the intumescent fire-retardant paints applied in the experiment were able to delay the ignition time and to decrease the amount of heat generation and smoke evolution during the fire accident. This creates a favorable condition for extinguishing the fire and fleeing for one's life. Strict controls to produce a sufficient loading amount and consistent thickness in the coating operation are the most important consideration.
