  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


A Query System for Timber Growth Information in Taiwan



本研究目的的係將台灣地區歴年來的有關林木生長試驗研究資料,依其影響生長因素索加以分類、分析資料結構、系統分析及建立資料庫,並以具有物件導向功能的SAS/AF軟件之書面控制語言(Screen control language, SCL)及其他相關SAS統計繪圖軟件體設計各種書面、物件、功能包括資料查詢、基本統計查詢及圖形查詢等以建立林木生長查詢系統,查詢方法極具親和性,使用點選方式,操作簡易,可任意選擇影響生長之因素或屬性資料包括文獻、作者、樹種、地區、環境、試驗方法等查詢所要的資訊,其特色爲具有整合林業生長文獻內之文字、數字及運用統計分析與圖形展示之動態性查詢與分析功能,此系統除可提供較爲完整及快速之林木生長資訊,提供相關研究人員作進一步的研究外,將來更可以此爲基礎,配合統計分析、決策模式發展成決策支援系統,以爲林木經營者制定決策之重要資訊。


The purpose of this study was to build a user-friendly query system covering timber growth in Taiwan. The system uses an icon-based interface, which can be operated by button pushing. The end user can easily search for timber growth information according to author, tree species, area, environment, and experimental method used in the published papers. The whole query system includes 2 components: (1)the database; and (2)the query system. For the database, the related influencing factors on timber growth were identified, and the system architecture was designed. As for the query system, different kinds of query frames, objects and functions were designed. The output of the related timber growth data, statistical analysis and graphs in the system was developed using Screen Control Language of SAS/AF software and other related SAS products with the characteristics of objective oriented programming (OOP) and fourth generation language. The system not only provides more complete and efficient timber growth information, but also can be used as a base to develop a decision support system.
