  • 期刊

Estimation of Taiwan's Forested Areas by Classified NDVI Maps from NOAA AVHRR Data

應用NOAA AVHRR植被指數分類資料估算台灣地區森林面積之研究


本研究之主要目標為應用NOAA AVHRR資料所建立之台灣地區植被指數分布,計算台灣地區森林分布及其所佔面積之比例。由於台灣地區雲出現之頻率頗高,不易獲得晴空的影像資抖,需藉由多張衛星影像合成較為晴空之影像資料。本文之合成影像資料是以月為單位,據以建立台灣地區逐月之植被指數分布圖,除了分析植被指數之變化情形外,並配合地物分布之基本資料建立森林地區之辨別模式,以利森林面積估算之應用。研究結果在1998年1月份所計算台灣地區森林之分布型態及其所佔面積比例(54.5%),與1995年林務局調查森林的分布型態及面積比例(58.5%)均頗為相近,顯示此一方法之可行性頗高,值得進一步地深入研究。


The goal of this study is by applying NOAA AVHRR data in delineating NDVI maps throughout Taiwan, which can be utilized in the surveys of forested areas. Due to the frequent appearance of clouds, the composite NDVI maps were conducted in a monthly basis where the monthly and seasonal variations of the NDVI values around the mountainous areas were analyzed. The result showed that the total forest area assessed by the NDVI value reached 54.5%. This percentage was rather close to the surveys conducted on the surface, which was 58.5%, proving our procedure to be rather practical.


NOAA AVHRR forested area NDVI map
