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Decline of Calocedrus formosana Associated with Two Species of Phytophthora in Taiwan




台灣肖楠人工種植的地區,常發現其地上部黃化及萎凋,繼而全株死亡。罹病之植株則發現根腐及冠腐病徵,且可分離到Phytophthora cinnamomi或P. cryptogea。自罹病組織及病株周圍土壤分離之P. cinnamomi菌株包括A1和A2配對型,但自罹病組織及病株周圍土壤分離之P. cryptogea菌株則只有A1配對型。將分離自台灣肖楠之P. cinnamomi和P. cryptogea菌株接種於台灣肖楠幼苗根部,都可以引起寄主植物根腐,且在人工接種罹病組織上可再分離到接種之病原菌。P. cinnamomi和P. cryptogea引起台灣肖楠病害是世界首次記錄。在罹病林地,將中和化的亞磷酸分別灌注於罹病植株的根圈土壤,噴灑於地上部或加壓注射於樹幹,結果顯示以上三種施藥方式均能顯著降低病害的發生。


Yellowing and wilting followed by death of trees were found on Calocedrus formosana in Taiwan. All observed diseased trees were associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi or P. cryptogea which caused root rot and crown rot. Mating types Al and A2 of P. cinnamomi were isolated from diseased tissues of C. formosana and adjacent soils, whereas only Al of P. cryptogea was isolated from diseased tissues of the host and adjacent soils. Isolates of P. cinnamomi and P. cryptogea isolated from C. formosana were able to cause the disease on tested plants of C. formiosana. The fungus was reisolated from all inoculated plants. This is the first documentation of P. cinnamomi and P. cryptogea on C. formosana in the world. Neutralized phosphonic acid was applied as a soil drench, a foliar spray, or a trunk injection on C. formosana infected with P. cinnamomi in the field for disease control. The results show that these treatments significantly reduced the disease.
