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Phenological Survey of Machilus kusanoi, Machilus zuihoensis, Elaeocarpus sylvestris, and Castanopsis carlesii over 3 Years (1994-1996)



為明瞭台灣地區闊葉林主要構成樹種之萌芽、開花及結果的物候現象,分別在林試所五個分所轄區天然林內,選擇主要構成樹種進行定期的物候觀測。本報告就四種主要優勢樹種進行不同年份及不同地區間的比較,主要調查項目為(1)葉芽萌發及枝葉伸展時期,(2)花芽萌發及開花期,(3)著果、果熟及落果期。每一樹種調查株數為6-10株,調查樣木均為事先標定之成熟母樹,每兩星期觀測一次。 三年的調查資料顯示:大葉楠、香楠兩樹種在不同區域內,葉芽的生長行為極為相似,但萌芽時期有自北向南延遲的現象,一年有兩次萌芽生長期,第一期為11-5月,次一期緊接著果實成熟期後開始,但時間甚短。兩者開花結果方面則不相同,大葉楠開花株數與結實株樹比在不同年份裹差異甚大,香楠則沒有這樣的情形。長尾栲在不同區域間芽萌發及葉芽伸長的生長行為有差別,芽萌發及葉芽伸長的生長期一年只有一次,福山和恆春為一型(前一年12月開始),六龜和蓮華池為一型(當年3月份),此兩型的生長開始時間相差3個月,但其生長停止時期則相同。根據資料顯示三年間長尾栲開花結果有豐欠年循環,但福山地區長尾栲結實狀況不好。杜英第一及第二次生長行為在各區域內無一定規律可循,一年中也有2個生長期,杜英開花期開始於枝葉生長將結束時,但1994年福山和恆春地區杜英有2次開花的現象。


物候 萌芽展葉期 開花期 結果期


For understanding the phenology of the main trees in Taiwan's broadleaf forests, several dominant trees of each natural broadleaf forest at 5 research stations of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute were chosen to qualitatively monitor their phenological behaviors. In this report, we chose to compare the phenological behavior of 4 dominant species among years and sites. The items include: (1) leave bud sprouting and expansion, (2) flower bud sprouting and blossoming, and (3) fruiting, fruit ripening, and fruit dropping. Sample trees were marked at the beginning. Every sample species included 6-10 individuals, and the observation interval was 2 wk. Three-year observation data reveal that the growth patterns of leave buds of Machilus kusanoi and Machilus zuihoensis were very similar among the 5 sites, but with an obvious delay in the time of initial growth from north to south of the island. Two growth seasons were recorded, with the first season starting from December (of the previous year) to May, and the other being very short, immediately after the fruit ripening period. The growth pattern of Castanopsis carlesii differed among 4 sites. Fushan and Hengchun consisted of 1 type, and Liukuei .and Lienhuachih formed another type. The initial growth period of the 2 types showed a 3-mo difference, but the ending period was the same. Only 1 growth season per year was recorded. According to the data, there was an obvious masting cycle in 3 yr with poor fruiting in the Fushan area. The growth patterns of Elaeocarpus sylvestris among the 5 sites were quiet different from each other, but all showed 2 growth seasons in a year. Elaeocarpus sylvestris began blossoming at the end of the leave-expansion period. An abnormal flowering (2nd time) phenomenon in 1994 was recorded in both the Fushan and Hengchun areas.


phenology bud sprouting leaf expandsion blossom fruiting


Koh, C. N. (2006). 台灣北部繁殖鳥類種豐富度與群聚組成之空間型式 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.01490
