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Investigation of the Structural Performance of Beam and Column Connections Using Hidden Threaded Rods



本研究採用以內藏式螺桿配合木釘作為傳統木材梁與柱之接合改良,並進行接合處之彎矩抵抗的結構性能分析。在試驗中採用斷面尺寸120×120 mm之柳杉及南方松作為梁與柱構材,並組成T字型結構進行懸臂之載重。結果顯示螺桿埋入梁端部深度150 mm之接合條件,較120及180 mm深度條件有較佳之彎矩抵抗。同時,螺桿埋入位置在梁構材斷面上方者,其彎矩抵抗為埋入梁斷面下方者之4倍,且彎矩旋轉係數僅為後者之25.3%。在梁接合處以60×60 mm尺寸之墊片緊固之條件下,其彎矩承載力分別較50×50-及60×80-mm尺寸墊片之接合條件高40.2及36.2%。以內藏螺桿接合之破壞關鍵多因柱構材材面之側向壓縮強度不足所致。在接合處以環氧樹脂補強方面,柳杉材以雙支螺桿接合者其彎矩抵抗可以改善39.5%,且內部旋轉角度及彎矩旋轉係數分別降低21.6及40.6%。整體而言,環氧樹脂補強處理後,柳杉及南方松之梁與柱構材接合均有相近彎矩抵抗性能,同時也顯示接合處之彎矩旋轉係數可以降低68.4%。


接合 梁與柱連結 柳杉 彎矩抵抗


A traditional wooden beam and column joint was revised using an embedded threaded rod with the assistance of dowels, and the structural performance of the joint in resisting the bending moment was examined in the study. Beam and column members of Japanese cedar and southern pine timber with a size of 120×120 mm were used to construct a T-structure which was then subjected to a cantilever load. The results indicated that the joint tightened with a threaded rod with 150 mm of embedded length in the side beam member showed a higher bending moment compared to those with 120- and 180-mm embedded lengths. The bending moment resistance of a joint in which a threaded rod was embedded at the upper location of the cross-section on the beam member was 4 times that at the lower location while exhibiting only 25.3% of the moment-rotation coefficient value. The bending moment capacity of joints tightened with a 60×60-mm washer was 40.2 and 36.2% higher than values of joints with 50×50-and 60×80-mm washers, respectively. The critical failure of a joint tightened with an embedded rod may have been due to the weak compressive strength perpendicular to the grain on the column member. When epoxy reinforcement was applied to the joint, the bending moment resistance of the Japanese cedar member joint with 2 embedded threaded rods improved 39.5%, and the internal rotation angle and moment-rotation coefficient were reduced by 21.6 and 40.6%, respectively. Overall, similar bending resistance values of beam and column joints assembled with both Japanese cedar and southern pine members were found after epoxy reinforcement was applied. The results also demonstrated a reduction of 68.4% in the moment-rotation coefficient for the joint with additional epoxy reinforcement.
