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A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Mountain Village Landscape on Bird Diversity: a Case Study of Lianghu Village, Jinshan District, Northern Taiwan


日本里山的鑲嵌地景具有高生物多樣性的維持功能,此一傳統土地管理模式近年來廣為生態學者所推崇,並引介、推廣至許多國家,包括臺灣。本研究於臺灣北部金山區兩湖里山村的森林、森林邊緣、鑲嵌棲地設立調查樣區,進行鳥類群聚調查,主要探討的主題為:(1)兩湖山村地景對鳥類多樣性有何種影響?(2)不同功能群鳥類受到山村地景的相對影響為何?鳥類群聚調查結果顯示,純森林棲地的鳥類種數、隻次都比森林邊緣及鑲嵌棲地低。大多數在森林地景出現的鳥種也同時出現在森林—農墾混合棲地(包含森林邊緣及鑲嵌棲地),但有許多鳥種僅出現在森林—農墾混合棲地,例如喜歡在水域活動的黃頭鷺(Bubulcus ibis)、小白鷺(Egretta garzetta),喜食農墾地穀類的珠頸斑鳩(Streptopelia chinensis)、斑文鳥(Lonchura punctulata)、白腰文鳥(Lonchura striata),以及外來入侵種白尾八哥(Acridotheres javanicus)。就個別功能群鳥類而言,森林邊緣型、草生地型、水域型及開墾地型鳥類的鳥類種數、隻次在森林樣區均低於森林邊緣及鑲嵌棲地樣區,但森林型、聚落型及多樣棲地型鳥類的鳥類種數、隻次在3類型樣區之間都沒有顯著差異。地景對鳥類多樣性影響的分析結果指出,旱田面積、鑲嵌地景之邊緣長度、棲地多樣性和鳥類多樣性之間呈現明顯的正相關,顯示兩湖山村現行農墾方式所創造的鑲嵌地景有利於增加鳥類多樣性。兩湖里山村小面積的農墾作業所形塑的森林—農墾鑲嵌地景,具有開墾面積小、與周邊森林連結度很高(隔離度低)的特性,可能是導致森林型鳥類及其它非森林型鳥類同時出現在兩湖里山村森林—農墾鑲嵌地景的重要因素,然而較多非森林型鳥類出現在森林—農墾鑲嵌地景所顯現的生態影響仍有待探討。


山村 里山 地景 鳥類 多樣性


The mosaic landscape of satoyama (a mountain village) in Japan has the function of maintaining high biodiversity. This traditional land management model has been widely promoted by ecologists in recent years and introduced to many countries including Taiwan. We surveyed bird communities in the forests, forest edges, and mosaic habitats in Lianghu Village, Jinshan District, northern Taiwan, and this study aimed to elucidate: (1) What are the effects of mountain village landscapes on bird diversity? and (2) What are the effects of mountain village landscapes on different functional groups of birds? Results showed that bird species richness and numbers of individuals in the forest habitats were lower than those in the mixed forest-agricultural habitats (including both the forest edge and mosaic habitats). Most of the bird species that appeared in the forest habitats also appeared in the mixed forest-agriculture habitats. However, many bird species only appeared in the forest-agricultural landscape, such as Bubulcus ibis and Egretta garzetta which prefer wetlands, and Streptopelia chinensis, Lonchura punctulata, and Lonchura striata which prefer to feed on grain in agricultural lands, as well as the invasive species Acridotheres javanicus. For birds in each functional group, the species richness and numbers of individuals of the forest-type, grassland-type, wetland-type, and farmland-type birds were lower in the forest habitat than in the forest-agricultural mosaic habitat. However, there was no significant difference in the species richness or numbers of individuals of forest-type, village-type, and diverse habitat-type birds between the forest habitat and forest-agricultural mosaic habitat. Results of the effects of landscape on bird diversity indicated that bird diversity was positively correlated with the area of uplands, the length of mosaic edges, and habitat diversity, so the current mosaic landscape created by the fine-scale farming system in Lianghu Village may have positive effects on bird species diversity. The fine-scale farming patches and high degrees of connectivity (low isolation) with surrounding forests in this forest-agriculture mosaic landscape may facilitate the co-occurrence of forest-type and non-forest-type bird species in this mountain village. Nevertheless, the ecological effects of the occurrence of some non-forest-type bird species in this forest-agriculture mosaic landscape still need to be further investigated. Key words: mountain village, satoyama, landscape, bird, diversity.


mountain village satoyama landscape bird diversity
