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Teacher Adaptation to and Effectiveness of a Differentiated Instruction Program in Fifth-Grade Literacy Classes : A Case Study




Purpose: The purpose of this case study is threefold: 1. to qualitatively describe the adaptation processes of two fifth-grade teachers who implemented a differentiated instruction (DI) program in their respective literacy classes, 2. to evaluate whether the effectiveness of the DI program depended on the students' literacy abilities by comparing the standardized literacy pre- and posttest scores of the intervention and contrast groups, and 3. To describe the students' responses to the DI program using multiple sources. Methods: Four teachers and the four classes they teach participated in the study. Two were assigned to a contrast group, which has a total of 45 students, and taught using their original approach. The other two served as an intervention group, which also has 45 students, and implemented an 11-week literacy DI program. Each teacher taught five 40-minute literacy class sessions per week, resulting in a total of 55 intervention sessions. The adaptation process of the teachers in the intervention group was described, and comparisons of the dependent measures of the experimental and contrast groups were conducted using analysis of covariance. Results/Findings: Although the teachers in the intervention group were intensively assisted by the researchers, they initially encountered various technical difficulties and felt frustrated. By the middle and final phases, the teachers noticed that their questioning skills had improved and that they had more capacity to acknowledge individual differences among their students. They also discovered positive changes among their students, and they gradually overcame their frustrations. Their discoveries and new awareness made the teachers more willing to invest in adoption of this new teaching method. In other words, the teachers' motivation to implement DI was reinforced by the progress of their students, the improvement of their own teaching skills, and their increased ability to accommodate students' individual differences. Regarding the program's effectiveness, the results of analysis of covariance indicated that the students in the intervention group outperformed those in the contrast group in vocabulary growth regardless of the students' literacy pretest scores. However, no significant between-group differences were found in the mean scores in reading comprehension and on the school's final exam. Finally, the data from the questionnaires, interviews, and classroom observations indicated that the students exhibited a positive attitude toward DI. The teachers also reported that the students, including one student with ADHD and learning disabilities, were more willing to participate in learning activities. Conclusions/Implications: 1. The literature has suggested that a teacher requires 2 years to master DI. The findings of this study indicate that, despite the teachers' initial frustration, intensive teaching support-including detailed lesson plans, worksheets, and peer coaching-helps shorten the time required for teachers' adaptation. 2. The effectiveness of the DI program is demonstrated by the students' vocabulary growth, and both the teachers and students exhibited a positive impression of DI. These findings provide support for the promotion of DI.


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