  • 期刊


An Action Study on Using Differentiated Instruction in Outcome-Focused Physical Education Class for Swimming in Junior High School


目的:旨在瞭解如何於國中體育課實施差異化教學,並探討體育課實施差異化教學的成效與教學策略。方法:研究參與對象為研究者自身及所任教之七年級學生一班。教學方式採差異化教學在體育課實施3週6節課(每節45分鐘)的游泳教學,並針對教學日誌與學生晤談做資料蒐集。結果:一、教學前依學生能力,以「i + 1」的策略進行差異化任務的設計,教學中同質分組可以促使學生互助學習,營造正向學習氣氛,此時需要教師協助引導搭建鷹架,並視學習狀況調整教學內容及進度。二、體育課實施差異化教學後,學生技能程度較前測獲得進步,且更願意參與體育活動。結論:教師在實施差異化教學時,所有策略都以學生為出發並做彈性的應用與調整,方能讓學習有效率,亦可使學習動機獲得提升,減少體育課局外人的現象。


Purpose: The study is to discover how to implement differentiated instruction in physical education classes in junior high schools and to explore strategies and effects of differentiated instruction teaching. Methods: The study was conducted in a seventh grade class. The study designed a three-week curriculum with six swimming lessons and each lesson was forty-five minutes. The data were collected according to the teaching note and the interviews with students. Results: The study indicates that different level task-based learning and differentiated instruction help students learn from peers and build positive atmosphere. Teachers can use the concept Vygotsky scaffolding to guide students, adjusting contents and progresses during the lessons. By implementing differentiated instruction in physical education classes, students can make progress and are more willing to participate in the class. Conclusions: Differentiated instruction elevates students' motivation of learning, encouraging students to get involved. In order to be efficient in teaching and learning, when using differentiated instruction method, all strategies should be flexible so that they can be adjusted based on students' situations.


