  • 期刊


Motor Instruction in Live Online Tai Chi Courses: Difficulties and Solutions




直播教學 太極拳 動作學習


Tai Chi emphasizes an integrated sequence of bodily movements and the unity of the body and mind. Online Tai Chi instruction poses challenges regarding streaming latency and teaching methodologies. Purpose: This study aimed to identify the difficulties and potential solutions encountered in live Tai Chi courses online, with a focus on motor learning and on the associative and autonomous phases. Methods: This qualitative study conducted semi-structured interviews with six teachers who were experienced in offering webcast courses. Results: The primary challenge identified was intermittent network connectivity. The teachers adopted command-style teaching to maintain continuity, practice-style teaching to improve the students' motor skills, and self-check-style teaching to cultivate the students' mind and character. Conclusion: Teachers should become more adept with technology, proactively engage in interactive problem-solving, and utilize platforms such as Facebook and Line to foster both online and offline interactions and increase trust. Additionally, guiding learners through different levels of self-awareness and error correction at each learning stage can compensate for the lack of in-person instruction.


synchronized course Tai-Chi motor


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