  • 期刊


AIDS, Stigma, and Intimate Partnership Violence


以筆者在愛滋感染者權益促進會工作經驗,希望藉此文章勾勒愛滋感染者面臨的親密關係暴力。台灣關於親密關係暴力的文獻多半聚焦於異性戀情感與婚姻下的親密關係暴力;雖於2007 年時,《家庭暴力防治法》已將同居關係(包含同性伴侶)納入保障範疇,但相關實證研究仍相當缺乏。至於愛滋與親密關係暴力間的扣連仍沒有文獻探討過。因此,筆者希望初步瞭解:感染者面臨哪些親密關係暴力?對感染者帶來怎樣的影響?實務工作者可以如何協助感染者處理親密關係暴力?「伴侶關係的陌生」、「對關係結束之不同認知」是大部分扣連愛滋的親密關係暴力發生之原因。於愛滋中的親密關係暴力之行為樣態,仍以肢體暴力與性暴力、結合性身分的污名與歧視之精神暴力、情緒暴力、以及法律手段為四大主要形式。與其他親密關係暴力不同的是:愛滋由於仍被嚴重社會歧視與汙名;威脅愛滋感染身分的曝光,經常被作為親密關係暴力之手段,也讓愛滋感染者必須面臨曝光以後,工作、就醫、就學等生活權益受到傷害。更重要的是,愛滋條例中的「蓄意傳染條文」於親密關係暴力中的使用,皆與法條「疾病防治」之目的無關,反而成了相對人面臨關係結束時情感報復之工具。藉由實務經驗之整理,筆者則提供溝通協調、避免落單與善用資源、法律途徑(證據蒐集)作為協助感染者等三項處遇方式。此外,亦可觀察到台灣社會對於情感教育、及愛滋維權課程之缺乏。更重要的是,親密關係暴力的發生,與愛滋歧視和汙名皆有相當大之連結關係,因此愛滋除罪化即為未來法律、政策上必須處理之重要課題。


愛滋 歧視 汙名 親密關係暴力 人權


Through the working experiences, the author proposes three ways of helping the patients with HIV/AIDS in the IPV: communication and coordination, to avoid being alone and make good use of resources, and legal means (such as collecting evidences). In addition, education about intimate relationship and HIV/AIDS human rights is lack in Taiwan society. Most importantly, IPV happening is quite related to HIV/AIDS discrimination and stigma; thus, decriminalization of HIV/AIDS becomes important issues in legal and policy. It aims to depict the ways in which intimate partnership violence (IPV) among HIV/AIDS patients works, through the author's work experiences in Persons with HIV/AIDS Rights Advocacy Association of Taiwan. Literature concerning about IPV in Taiwan mostly concentrate on heterosexual relationship or marriage. Homosexual IPV empirical studies are quite a lack, although cohabitating relationships (gay or lesbian couples also) included in the "Domestic Violence Prevention Act." In addition, the relationship between HIV/AIDS and IPV has never been discussed. Therefore, this article aims to explore preliminarily: (1) what kinds of IPV people living with HIV/AIDS are facing; (2) how the IPV influences people living with HIV/AIDS; (3) how the practitioners help people living with HIV/AIDS to cope with the IPV. "Partnership based on unfamiliar both" and "different cognitions of the end of partnership" are the main causes of IPV for people living with HIV/AIDS. The behavior patterns of IPV in HIV/AIDS relationship are mainly physical and sexual violence, mental violence with stigma and discrimination from sexual identity, emotional violence, and legal means. Unlike other IPV, HIV/AIDS is one of the IPV behavior patterns, in which one is threatened with exposure of HIV/AIDS, due to its social discrimination and stigma. After the exposure of HIV/AIDS, one's rights to work, to schooling, and to use medical resources, will be damaged. More importantly, the "intentional transmission" in "HIV Infection Control and Patient Rights Protection Act" often becomes a tool to revenge at the end of the intimate relationship, irrelevant to the purpose of "prevention to the disease" instead. Through the working experiences, the author proposes three ways of helping the patients with HIV/AIDS in the IPV: communication and coordination, to avoid being alone and make good use of resources, and legal means (such as collecting evidences). In addition, education about intimate relationship and HIV/AIDS human rights is lack in Taiwan society. Most importantly, IPV happening is quite related to HIV/AIDS discrimination and stigma; thus, decriminalization of HIV/AIDS becomes important issues in legal and policy.


莊苹(2013)。說「蓄意」太沉重:一位醫事人員看待愛滋條例第21 條對防疫之影響。權通訊。17,2。
羅士翔(2010)。反AIDS 歧視與法律動員:以台灣AIDS 防治法制為中心(1981-2009)(碩士論文)。國立台灣大學法律學院法律學系。
Global Coalition on Women and AIDS(2004).Violence against Women and HIV/AIDS: Critical Intersections - Intimate Partner Violence and HIV/AIDS.,未出版.
