  • 期刊


How to Design Attractive Campus Recruitment? Exploring the Effects of Recruiter Attributes and Structural Characteristics of Campus Recruitment on Job-Seekers' Reactions


本研究目的在探討校園招募活動之設計,從招募者屬性(招募者部門與招募者階層)與結構特性(地點選取與活動型式)檢視如何規劃與設計出能提高求職者參與招募活動意願與組織人才吸引力之校園招募活動。本研究採2 × 2 × 2 × 2個人間層次之實驗設計,操弄四個設計要素,分別為招募者部門(職缺部門vs.人資部門)、招募者階層(管理階層vs.非管理階層)、地點選取(只在本校vs.多個地點)與活動型式(徵才說明會vs.校園攤位)。本研究以大四與碩二以上之應屆畢業生為研究對象,共回收688份有效問卷。研究發現,只在本校舉行徵才說明會時,愈能有效地提高求職者參與招募活動意願。當招募者是人資部門且為管理階層時,愈能提升組織人才吸引力。而當校園招募活動型式是校園攤位時,人資部門管理階層與職缺部門非管理階層愈能有效地提高組織人才吸引力。


The purpose of this study is to explore two potential components of attractive campus recruitment: recruiter attributes and structural characteristics of the recruiting activities. This study adopted the 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 experimental design, using 16 recruiting advertisements to manipulate recruiter department (vacancy department vs. HR department), recruiter level (management vs. non-management), location selection (only in my university vs. several universities), and activity type (recruitment briefing vs. campus fair). Data was collected from 688 recent graduate students in university and graduate school by paper and internet surveys. Results showed that recruitment briefing held only in the job seekers' university enhances their willingness to participate the campus recruitment activities. Recruiters from vacancy department, and HR managers are attractive to job seekers. Moreover, recruiters from vacancy department and HR managers involving in the job fair can improve job seekers' organizational attraction.


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