  • 期刊


In Modern Society's Accident and the Error Violate




過失 食品事故 火災 藥害事件 公害


The error violates in the risk society under the structure becomes in the society the unique dangerous source structure error. Is the department does not pay attention, the penalty effect represents at best generally to the manner which does not pay attention was warning admonishes. Therefore violates in the error, punishes regarding prevented the accident occurs the validity says, appears suitable low. The wish avoids having the accident, not if exercises the social policy, the transportation policy or the law rules and regulations in advance and so on other methods, can come to have the effect. However the error violates the punishment actually faces the severe sentence development gradually in the present situation. The modern error violates the topic is, how has to adjust the punishment validity which occurs to the error crime, as well as social and does the victim family of the deceased to the penalty request, how suitably and effectively realize the punishment which violates to the error. The error type develops Cheng Jinghe, the division of labor and the organization plural number person pattern gradually by individual pattern. Is corresponding such type transformation, the criminal law classroom study also along with it change. The main content has the old error to violate discusses, the new error violates discusses, is apprehensive the feeling to say (new error violates discusses) the criminal artefact error theory which, the management surveillance error concerned recently develops. Violated in Japan's error launches the process has the heavy casualty railway accident by 1950 ages to start many times, rough might differentiate several kind of stages, after 1960 age traffic accidents were in vogue the time, 1980 ages were based on organization inherent drawback and so on initiation environmental damage, metropolis disaster, large-scale fire errors violate the time, after that passed through started to increase are revolving the time which the chemical damage, food accident or the incident of malpractice and so on the related error legal precedent increased. After 2000, has had the new error, namely in the circulation has the flaw artefact to become accident cause factor the related criminal artefact error legal precedent time. Corresponded these theory transformation, the legal precedent was also appearing the different appearance. This article separately on various domains error important decision elaborated and has carried on the evaluation. Development violates which regarding the error, not merely only is violates by the old error discusses or the new error violates discusses and so on the theory aspects to make the inspection, appears the instance system to the legal precedent in to explain, also should launch considered has been a problem the error violates the special characteristic in the practice error theory. Violated the punishment but by the consideration error the significance and the function viewpoint looks examines, how by corresponded processing recently the error to violate the theory structure which the punishment severe sentence tendency angle looked.




