  • 期刊


Copyright Infringement Issues of Video Game Live Streaming


2000年之後資通訊技術進展掀起產業翻轉,創造許多在過往年代未曾出現的商品和服務,改變人們的工作模式與生活娛樂。電玩遊戲成為現代人們常見的娛樂選項,近年來更是在世界各地掀起電競旋風,美國和韓國更是早早布局電競相關產業。時勢所趨,電競入選為國際運動比賽項目,引發新一波電競浪潮,電競產值屢創新高。隨著近幾年網路串流直播技術的發展,無論國內、外,電玩遊戲實況串流直播儼然成為時下熱門的新興產業。電玩遊戲實況串流直播是實況主將其玩電玩遊戲的過程串流直播,本質上就是一種使用者生成內容,涉及著作(電玩遊戲)利用的癥結點,在於觀眾所看到的串流直播內容,主要是遊戲畫面的即時變動,因此引發侵害電玩遊戲著作權之疑慮。電玩遊戲實況串流直播除了涉有重製權之侵害外,由於透過網路向公眾傳達電玩遊戲內容,也同時涉有美國著作權法的公開表演權或我國著作權法的公開傳輸權之侵害,因此本文透過介紹2014年美國最高法院American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, Inc.案,說明美國最高法院對「公開表演」行為的相關見解和整理我國公開傳輸權的相關規定,最後嘗試進行合理使用分析,以期作為我國法院將來處理此類爭議的參考。


Since 2000, the advancement of information and communication technologies has caused a turnaround in industries, created many products and services not previously appeared before and changed people's work patterns and life entertainment. Currently, video games become a common entertainment option for people. In recent years, it has set off a whirlwind of eSports around the world. The United States and South Korea have laid out eSports-related industries early. With trend of the times, eSports was selected for the international sports events, resulting a new wave of eSports, and a record high value of eSports-related industries. Recently, with the booming of Internet live streaming technology, the live streaming of video game has become a hot new trend both domestic and abroad. In fact, the live streaming of video game uses another’s copyrighted works (video games) substantially. Thus, the live streaming of video game is essentially a user-generated content, triggering the copyright infringement issues of reproduction. In addition to the infringement of reproduction right, the content of the video game is communicated to the public via the Internet, allegedly infringing the public performance right of the U.S. or the public transmission right in Taiwan. This article introduces American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. v. Aereo, Inc., the leading U.S. Supreme Court case in 2014, to address relevant copyright law provisions of the public performance right in the U.S. or the public transmission right in Taiwan. This article also provides a fair use analysis intending to assist courts in Taiwan to handle similar eSports copyright disputes in the future.


智慧財產法院99 年度民著訴字第36 號民事判決。
智慧財產法院102 年度刑智上易字第60 號刑事判決。
智慧財產法院103 年度刑智上易字第33 號刑事判決。
智慧財產法院104 年度民著上字第5 號民事判決。
林利芝,校園影印找麻煩,合理使用費思量-評析智慧財產法院99 年度刑智上易字第61 號刑事判決,月旦法學雜誌第207期,2012 年7 月,頁150-175。
