  • 期刊





In the risk society, human beings have many unknowns about the natural environment that cannot be grasped, and disaster prevention should be advanced from hazard prevention to risk prevention. In addition to legality supervision, disaster prevention supervision of administrative organs also has purposeful professional supervision. Professional supervision of administrative laws, risk management should be the standard for review and supervision. Based on the obligation to protect, the state constructs a risk management system in advance to protect important legal interests such as people's life, body, or property, so as to prevent inadequate protection. Regarding the limits of risk prevention, countries under the rule of law firmly require that the intervention should comply with the clarity of the law, but it is advisable for administrative agencies to establish inspection standards for supervision in advance to facilitate implementation. This article discusses the approval and review procedures for soil and water conservation plans, which adopt a hierarchical management of risk levels, and uses soil and water conservation technical specifications as the review criteria for risk determination as risk management measures for maintaining soil and water conservation.


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