  • 期刊


The Clinical Validation of Defining Characteristics and Related Factors of Fatigue in Hemodialysis Patients



本研究爲探索性研究,以末期腎臟疾病血液透析病人80位爲對象,欲建立一套具有信度及效度的評量表,並找出最具代表性及具體性的必要定義特徵。 利用研究者所訂立之「25項疲憊評量表」,以觀察、會談、測量等方式收集資料,並以SPSS for Windows套裝軟體中的做統計分析,結果顯示:25項定義特徵評量表,並可以用精力耗竭性表徵及心智動機衰退性表徵二個次概念來涵蓋,以確認其建構效度(因素負荷皆爲0.4以上,alpha值分別爲0.83、0.84),二個次概念共可解釋44.2%的變異量。再依中數值、單項/總項相關係數、因素固有值、因素係數等四個條件選出必要性定義特徵11項(平均值爲4.60, alpha值爲0.86)簡單明瞭,可供做評估之標準。


Fatigue is the obvious patient's problem in chronic ill stage. A comprehensive literature review, clinical experience, and a pilot study serves to construct the 15 etiologies and 25 defining characteristics of Fatigue. The purpose of this study were to establish the construct validity of the Defining Characteristics (DC) and to identify the Essential Defining Characteristics (EDC) of Fatigue. The investigator directly assessed 80 hemodialysis patients with End Stage Renal Disease in terms of 25 DC in a 5-point rating scale from always present (5) to not present (1). The data was collected based on observation, interview, physical examination, and chart review. The mean of 3.95 and SD of 0.48 of 25 DC were found on 80 patients. The homogeneity of 25 DC is shown with a desirable coefficient alpha (.87) and significant average inter-item correlation (.20). Two factors sharing the total explained variance 44.2% were extracted from the ses DC in terms of orthogonal factor analysis. Based on factor loading≧.40, 8 DC in factor I ”Energy Exhaustion” and 10 DC in factor II ”Decline of mental activity and motivation” were selected and presented a good internal consistency (alpha, .83; .84) perspectively. Eleven EDC were selected by four criteria which showed the meats of 4.60 (SD .46), coefficient alpha .86 and average inter-item correlation .36 Two subconcepts of Fatigue and 11 EDC can be a reliable instrument for prompt diagnosing the health problem of Fatigue on the hemodialy, sis patients with End Stage Rend Disease.


End stage renal disease Hemodialysis Fatigue


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