  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of a Hemophilia Patient with Total Knee Replacement




The article describes a nursing process of an A-type hemophilia patient with total knee replacement. The author used communication, interviews, chart reviews and Gordon 11 functional assessment to collect subjective and objective data from September 7 to September 16 in 2006. The patient's problems were identified as the follows: acute pain, impaired physical mobility, risk for injury, and chronic low self-esteem. During the nursing process, the author provided individualized nursing care by giving pain-releasing methods, preventing wound bleeding, and offering rehabilitation project to reduce his pain, to avoid his wound bleeding, and to recover his mobility. In addition, the author also offered empathy, emotional support, and positive feedback to build the patient's confidence. This nursing experience suggests we should have some education program for hemophilia patients. It is expected that the successful nursing experiences can be shared with other health care providers caring hemophilia patients receiving total knee replacement.
