  • 期刊


Improving the Correctness of Nursing Staff's Service Etiquette


本專案旨在提升護理人員服務禮儀執行之正確性。回溯院長信箱服務禮儀負向反應案件發現,抱怨護理人員服務態度件數由2007年的10件上升到2008年的22件,因而越使人員組成專案小組來深入探討及改善護理人員服務禮儀絕對行為,針對2007年至2008年院長信箱服務禮儀負向反應內容共32件,依「護理人員服務禮儀查核表」分析及護理人員服務禮儀查核,發現人員對病人需求回應缺乏主動性、及時性,答話時缺乏溫和語氣,互動時缺乏溫和態度、未主動自我介紹、未使用敬語,缺乏和悅笑容、雙眼未注視對方,護理人員服務禮儀執行正確性為79.36%。經推展服務禮儀創新口號、服務禮儀臨床情境模擬、製作「服務禮儀從心開始之五心級海報-SWEET CARE」及服務禮儀影音光碟等改善策略後,護理人員服務禮儀執行正確性提升至93.79%。本專案之實施能有效提升護理人員服務禮儀正確性,達到「以病人為中心」的服務理念。


護理人員 服務禮儀


This project was designed to improve the correctness of nursing staff's service etiquette. According to the letters to the superintendent regarding the negative response to service etiquette, we found there was increased number of complaint as from 10 cases in 2007 to 22 cases in 2008, thus encouraging personnel to compose a project team to investigate the reason and to improve the service etiquette of the nursing staff. According to the use of a checklist and due diligence for the nursing staff's service etiquette, we found there were faults including lack of initiative and immediacy to the need of the patients, lack of an agreeable warmth in response and an warm-heartedness during interaction, fail to introduce oneself or use polite language, and lack of smile or eye contact with the patients. The correctness of the nursing staff's service etiquette was 79.63%. After using some improvement strategies consisting of a service etiquette innovation slogan, clinical situation simulation, the design of the poster of ”service etiquette starts from the heart - 5-step Sweet Care”, and a service etiquette DVD, the correctness of the nursing staff's service etiquette was improved to 93.79%. The practice of this project and effectively improve the correctness of the nursing staff's service etiquette and attain to the service ideal centered on the patients.


nursing staff service etiquette


