  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient in Terminal Stage Who Wanted to Donate Corneas




The article described the nursing experience of a terminal liver cancer patient who wanted to donate his corneas. The period of nursing care was from June 24 to July 2 in 2011. The authors used the Gordon's Eleven Functional Health Patterns to collect objective and subjective information by the methods of observation, interview, physical examination, and medical record review. We found that major nursing problems of this patient were: (1) the patient had conflicting decision of whether to donate his corneas or not; (2) the mother of the patient had anticipatory grief. During the period of nursing care, besides providing individualized cares, we also collaborated with other professional medical teams, including the palliative care team and donation groups, to get things off their chests by listening, clarifying, caring, and accompanying. Moreover, we not only helped family members to face the patient's death but also reconciled the conflicting decision of organ donation between the patient and his mother. The team successfully achieved his willingness of organ donation and satisfied his physiological and psychological needsnear the end of his life. We hope that this nursing experience could be a reference for nursing staff dealing with similar situation in the future.
