  • 期刊


The Effects of Child Abuse Course on Knowledge and Intended Reporting Behaviors Regarding Child Abuse in Nursing Students


背景:護理人員辨識與通報受虐兒之能力愈高,受虐兒被發現的機率則愈高,護生是成為護理人員的必經之路,故應及早在養成階段教導兒虐知識。目的:探討「兒童虐待課程」對提昇護生兒虐知識與通報傾向之成效。方法:研究對象為某大學護理系四技三年級之學生,採類實驗研究設計,以修習兒童護理學的學生為實驗組(n=106),而未修習兒童護理學的學生為對照組(n=101),實驗組接受兒虐課程,而對照組則無。接受該課程前二十分鐘為前測,一周後為後測。「知識」與「通報傾向」則分別以「知識量表」與「通報傾向量表」測量。結果:接受兒虐課程後,不論在「知識」或「通報傾向」,實驗組後測得分顯著高於其前測(p <.001)。加入對照組作比較後,不論在「知識」或「通報傾向」,兩組在前測得分無顯著差異,而在後測,實驗組得分顯著高於對照組(p < .001)。結論/實務應用:鑑於兒虐課程對護生之知識與通報傾向之助益,期待學校課程可以納入兒虐單元,以期提昇護生之兒虐知識與通報傾向。


兒童虐待 護生 知識 通報傾向


Background: The higher the nurses’ abilities in recognizing and reporting child abuse events, the more child abuse event could be identified. Student nurses will become nurses someday, so it is necessary to teach child abuse related knowledge at school. Purpose: This study investigated the effects of child abuse course on knowledge and intended reposting behaviors regarding child abuse among nursing students. Methods: Participants were the junior students in school of nursing of one university. This study used quasi-experimental design. The students who took the course of pediatric nursing were in the experimental group (n=106), and the students who did not take the course were in the control group (n=101). The participants answered the questionnaires 20 minutes before the course and one week after the course. “Knowledge” and “intended reporting behaviors” were measured by the Knowledge Scale and Intended Reporting Behaviors Scale, respectively. Results: After receiving the child abuse course in the experimental group, the pre-test score and posttest score for both the knowledge and the intended reporting behaviors were significantly different. Furthermore, while the pre-test scores on knowledge and intended reporting behaviors were were not significantly different between the two group, the post-test scores on these variables were significantly different. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: The study suggested that the courses on child abuse is effectiveness in improving knowledge and promoting intended reporting behaviors It is expected that school could incorporate the child abuse information into nursing education.


內政部兒童局(2012,9月18日).兒少年保護數據分析.取自http://www.cbi.gov.tw/CBI_2/internet/main/index.aspx[Child Welfare Bureau(2012, September 18).Statistics for child and youth protection work. Retrieved from http://www.cbi.gov.tw/CBI_2/internet/main/index.aspx]
兒童及少年福利與權益保障法.總統華總一義字第10300008981 號令修正(2014,1 月22日)。[The protection of children and youths welfare and rights act, President Order Hua Chung(1) Yi Tze No. 10300008981 amended.(2014, January 22).]
翁惠瑛(2006)。兒少虐待及疏忽─醫事人員工作手冊。苗栗=Miaoli, Taiwan:財團法人國家衛生研究院=National Health Research Institute。
