  • 期刊


Related Factors of High-Calorie Diet Feeding Behaviors of pre-school children in Parents : Application of Theory of Planned Behavior


學齡前兒童過重與肥胖盛行率日益增加,而父母高熱量飲食餵養行為與學齡前兒童過重及肥胖相關。本研究目的在探討學齡前兒童父母高熱量飲食餵養行為相關因素及解釋因子。研究為橫斷性研究,以方便取樣方式針對298 位照顧年齡滿3 至6 歲之學齡前兒童父母,以結構式問卷調查父母高熱量飲食餵養行為之態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及其高熱量飲食餵養行為,共回收267 份,有效問卷為231 份,問卷回收率為89.6%。資料以描述性統計、推論性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析、逐步複迴歸分析進行分析。結果顯示(1)「低社經地位」之學齡前兒童父母的高熱量飲食餵養行為高於「高社經地位」者;(2) 學齡前兒童父母之高熱量飲食餵養行為的態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制越正向,其採行高熱量飲食餵養行為的頻率就越低;(3) 學齡前兒童父母高熱量飲食餵養行為之重要解釋因子為「知覺行為控制」、「家庭社經地位」及「主觀規範」,共可解釋11.6% 之變異量。本研究結果可協助醫護人員設計學齡前兒童父母飲食衛生教育,以減少高熱量飲食餵養行為。


Prevalence of pre-school children overweight and obesity is increasing. The high-calorie diet feeding behaviors in parents are closely related to overweight and obesity in pre-school children. The purpose of this study was to explore the related factors and the explanatory factors of high-calorie diet feeding behaviors of preschool children in parents. This was a cross-sectional study. A total of 298 parents of the preschool children aged 3-6 years were selected by convenience sampling. Structured questionnaires including attitude of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors scale, subjective norm of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors scale, perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors scale, and high-calorie diet feeding behavior scale were used to collect data. Among 267 participants who completed the questionnaires, 231 questionnaires were valid, with response rate was 89.6%. Descriptive, interference statistics, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple stepwise regressions were used to analyze data. The results revealed that (1) the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors in the family of low socioeconomic status is more frequent than those in the family of high socioeconomic status; (2) the more positive attitude of high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, the more positive subjective norm of high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, and the more positive perceived behavioral control of highcalorie diet feeding behaviors, the fewer the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors were found in parents; (3) the perceived behavioral control, family socioeconomic status, and subjective norm were important explanatory factors of the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors of parents. These variables accounted for 11.6% of the variance of the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors. Findings of this study could help healthcare providers design education program to reduce high-calorie diet feeding behavior of parents of preschool children.


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