  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Applying Watson Theory and Interdisciplinary Cooperation to a Schizophrenia patient with End-Stage Duodenal Cancer




This case study reported nursing experience of applying Watson Theory and Interdisciplinary Cooperation to a schizophrenia patient with end-stage duodenal cancer. The nursing care took place between 10th January and 27th April 2017. Five dimensions of psychiatric nursing evaluation were conducted using clinical observation, psychiatric interview, physical assessment and medical chart review. The main nursing diagnoses included Chronic pain, altered nutrition (less than body requirements), attempt to aggressive, altered thought processes and sensory/ perception alternation. The author review the reference and used Watson Theory to the patient, first to understand why patient refused the therapy, then after the relationship building and had trust to each other, provide sense of reality and to improve insight, accompanying patient calm and peace to the end stage. Applying Watson Theory enabled the patient (1) to accept used painkiller to reduce pain from score 10 to 3, (2) to keep the weight about 59 to 60.5kg and no loss, and (3) patient can tell about what does she think before any theropy, and finally reduced violance and agitation. Nowadays the patient with mental illness and physical disease are increasingly, and this report provided a better understanding of schizophrenia patient and end-stage duodenal cancer and might serve as a reference for nursing staff while taking care of patients with schizophrenia patient and end-stage duodenal cancer in the future.


蕭淑貞校閱(2015)。精神科護理概論─ 基本概念及臨床應用。台北市=Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC:華杏=Farseeing。
行政院衛生福利部(2016,12月).中華民國103年癌症登記報告.取自http://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/ashx/File.ashx?FilePath=~/File/Attach/7330/File_6792.pdf [Ministry of Health and Welfare. (2016, December). Cancer Registry Annual Report, 2014 Taiwan. Retrieved from http://www.hpa.gov.tw/Pages/ashx/File.ashx? FilePath= ~/File/Attach/7330/File_6792.pdf]
