  • 期刊


The Effect of Community-based Caring Intervention on Physical and Emotional Distress of Breast Cancer Patients during Treatment




乳癌 社區 關懷措施 身心困擾


Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer of female population in the world and may lead to increasing physical and emotional distress during treatment. Therefore, the roles of community care and medical care are both emphasized. Purpose: The aims of this study were to investigate the affecting factors of physical and emotional distress before receiving community care and to investigate the effectiveness of intervention and factors associated with it. Methods: Information of patients with breast cancer were collected retrospectively from a community cancer institute. Variables collected included history of personal diseases and treatment, frequency and type of caring interventions, and physical and emotional distress evaluated by distress thermometer before and after receiving interventions. Caring interventions included individual consultation, identification of problems and needs, education of disease and nutrition, management of treatment side effects, psychological counseling, and provision of social resources. Results: Physical and emotional distresses were significantly improved after receiving community-based caring interventions. Age, education level, disease stage, receiving chemotherapy and target therapy, and adverse effects of treatments were associated with physical and emotional distresses before interventions, leading to increased willingness to receiving intervention. Age, residency, disease stage, treatment status, adverse effects, pre- and post-interventional physical and emotional distress, and numbers and types of intervention were associated with effectiveness of caring interventions. Conclusion: Community-based caring interventions not only relieved physical and emotional distress during treatment, but also improved quality of clinical care. Therefore, it is valuable to promote community-based caring intervention among patients with breast cancer.


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