  • 期刊


The Nursing Experience for Stroke Patient with Dysphagia




The incidence of stroke has been increasing in Taiwan. Cerebrovascular diseases ranks fourth among the 10 leading causes of death in Taiwan, with a mortality of 7.6%. This report described the experience of caring a stroke patient who sought medical treatment after experiencing left-sided hemiplegia and facial asymmetry. Throughout the period of hospitalization, the patient had a nasogastric tube inserted as she had dysphagia and often choked on food. Since she had impaired physical mobility, she also required assistance to perform some activities of daily living. As a result, she was disheartened by her prognosis and experienced feelings of rejection, which motivated the author to further explore this patient. The care period was from February 19 to March 20, 2019. A research framework was established based on Gordon's 11 functional health patterns. Data collection was carried out through the implementation of direct patient care, observations, interviews, and physical assessments. The findings revealed three health problems that the patient was suffering from: dysphagia, which is associated with neuromuscular dysfunction; impaired physical mobility due to post-stroke muscular weakness, which prevented her from performing some activities of daily living without assistance; and body image disturbance accompanied by changes in her physical functions and appearance. Throughout the care period, the patient was encouraged to participate in therapy, during which she was given lessons on swallowing techniques and physical activities. The patient's physical rehabilitation and recovery process was constantly monitored. Through the application of empathy, active care, and listening techniques by the care providers, the patient became able to cope with her disease-related changes; face life with a positive attitude; recover her swallowing ability; increase the muscular strength of the left side of her body; boost her self-confidence; and re-enter society to resume her normal life in a timely manner. It is hoped that this report can serve as a reference for providing clinical care for such patients.


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