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Improving Satisfaction with Post-thoracoscopic Care for Lung Cancer Patients




肺癌 護理指導 術後 照護滿意度


The most common complication after thoracoscopy is pulmonary insufficiency; however, through comprehensive postoperative care, the confidence and satisfaction of patients and their families in the medical team can be enhanced. Using structured questionnaires to assess postoperative care satisfaction of lung cancer patients in the internal medicine and surgery wards of the Department of Chest Medicine, the mean score was only 2.89. Therefore, a task force was set up to propose an improvement plan. The reasons for the low score were found to be: too much text and too few pictures and incomplete information in the health education leaflet, lack of hardware facilities, different family members taking turns to take care of the patient, and inconsistent care instructions. Improvement measures to address the above issues and their implementation included: production of a pictorial health instruction manual (including a family awareness sheet), providing chest bottle holders, organization of group health instruction, and design of a post-thoracoscopic care handover checklist. After the implementation of the improvement plan, the postoperative care satisfaction score improved to 4.69. The project will help patients receive more professional and better quality of care after thoracoscopic surgery.


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