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A Nursing Experience of Caring a Female Patient with Tongue Cancer




This article presents the nursing experience in providing care to a female patient with tongue cancer undergoing chemical and radiotherapy. The nursing care period spanned from May 6 to May 28, 2018. The patient's major health problems, including pain, oral mucosal disorders, and body image disorder, were evaluated using Gordon's 11 Functional Health Patterns. Throughout the care process, a strong nurse-patient relationship was established through continuous, individualized care. Various measures were employed, such as teaching the patient to use ice cubes, wearing loose and round neck clothes, and utilizing lavender essential oil massage to alleviate pain. Moreover, the nursing profession collaborated with the cancer care team to provide oral mucositis care, promote wound repair, and enhance self-care abilities. Encouragement and active participation in patient care groups were encouraged to foster a positive outlook while facing the disease. Throughout the care process, the author collaborated extensively with professionals from different fields, gaining valuable insights into integrating care and effective communication across interdisciplinary teams. Therefore, the article recommends that nursing professionals not only focus on clinical care knowledge but also actively participate in cross-team meetings in diverse fields. The intention of this article is to share the nursing experience of this particular case and offer valuable insights to healthcare providers caring for tongue cancer patients receiving chemical and radiotherapy.


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