  • 期刊


Project to Improve Medical Team Resources to Reduce Anxiety of Preschool-Aged Sick Children




Background: Hospitals and healthcare providers often evoke fear and anxiety in young children. These emotions can significantly impact the dynamics within families, increase caregiver stress, diminish a child's self-esteem and mental well-being, ultimately culminating in heightened anxiety. To address these challenges and enhance the overall medical experience for patients, this project was initiated. Purpose: The primary objective of this project is to alleviate anxiety among preschool children undergoing hospitalization. Our predetermined target is to reduce children's anxiety levels by 50%.Resolution: We have adopted a multifaceted approach involving strategic and interactive elements to create an environment where children feel respected and equal. This includes enhancing both the hardware and software aspects of the ward, improving intravenous droplet injection equipment, incorporating multimedia interactive devices, fostering interactive group activities, celebrating festivals, and organizing medical role-playing sessions—all aimed at alleviating the anxiety experienced by young patients. Results: The "Preschool Anxiety Scale" yielded a score of 1.43 points, which represents a significant reduction of 1.51 points from the pre-improvement score of 2.94 points, successfully meeting our target of 1.47 points. Furthermore, the score on the "Observation Scale of Anxiety Behavior in Sick Children" reached 1.67 points, marking an impressive decrease of 1.86 points from the pre-improvement score of 3.53 points, surpassing our target of 1.77 points. Conclusion: The improvement promised a more successful pediatric care process, decreased patient anxiety, and reduced inefficiencies among nursing personnel. Additionally, we recommend the integration of anthropomorphic child-friendly equipment into healthcare procedures, as this captivates the attention of sick children and facilitates the absorption of essential disease prevention concepts. This approach enhances the effectiveness of nursing education and contributes to the overall well-being of our young patients.


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