  • 期刊


The Content and Role of the Idea in The Making of Policy: The Case of the Policy on Drug Users in Taiwan


本研究試圖透過理念來了解公共政策與其所在之社會間的關係,而此一關係在轉型期裡又特別重要,因為這是個結構及理念同時發生重大變遷的歷史時刻。因此,掌握兩者間的同源性可說是政策研究之理論與實務面的核心課題。文章以台灣歷史上對毒品施用者的政策,及其間多次的轉變作為研究的對象,除了藉著毒品施用者特別邊陲的位置,而在減少主流社會之權力與利益的介入之際,突顯理念的地位之外,也透過數度的轉型與政策的變遷,歸納出台灣社會的特殊性。不同於「政策典範」的概念僅涉及政策理念的形式,本文由文明化歷程所發展的架構,還指出了政策理念的實質內容。首先,文中透過「個人—社群」及「吸納—排除」兩軸,對毒品施用者的處置提出四種政策理念,即大監禁、威嚇、減害與和解;其次,參照著國際政經體制而帶出了此間政策理念的一般路徑,並串連出政策理念與政治社會脈絡間的同源性;最後,透過對台灣歷史上對毒品施用者的政策,本文不僅指出其間政策理念的內容與變遷的路徑,也說明了「政治優位」是台灣社會的特質。尤有進者,此一不同於一般路徑的特質,除了得以反思國際政經體制的西方中心之外,台灣的個案還更具代表性地表現出非西方國家的普遍性,並認為在當下轉型的情境裡,政策研究需要更多地將「政治帶進來(bringing the politics back in)」。


The paper aims to explore the structural homology between policy ideas and their respective socioeconomic background, which has played an important role, par excellence, in the age of transition. In this regard, it studies the policy regarding drug users in Taiwan from its very beginning until now, within which there are three principal periods: the Qing dynasty and Japanese colonial period, the authoritarian period, and the period after democratization. Based on the Eliasian perspective on configurational sociology and the civilizing process, four idea-types of policy idea are elaborated: great confinement, intimidation, harm reduction, and reconciliation. Besides, based on the changes in the international regime of political economy, this paper presents a trajectory of policy ideas about drug users in general, and compares this with the case of Taiwan with political preponderance, not only because of the geopolitical tension between the Qing dynasty and Japanese empire, and Communist and Nationalist China, but also due to the political struggle between the KMT and DPP. While the first two periods emphasize the role of nation-state building, the last one focuses on human rights. In this regard, this research not only presents a reflexive stand vis-à-vis the Western-centred civilizing process, but also explains the reason why the case of Taiwan is more likely to represent the general elements for non-Western countries. As such, this study concludes that it is necessary to bring politics back into the realm of policy research.


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