  • 學位論文


Research of the crime of using illegal drugs and Taiwan’s harm reduction program

指導教授 : 甘添貴


本論文係由我國施用毒品犯罪規範、政策之變遷中,追溯、探討我國對於施用毒品行為態度之演進。 對於施用毒品行為究竟應當「犯罪化」或「除罪化」?本文將於第四、五章中,就施用毒品行為對施用者本身之危害,以及對他人、社會造成之影響,由現行法律規定下,探討施用毒品行為應刑罰性之理由。 於本文第六章中將探討刑法連續犯規定修正後,多個施用毒品行為應當如何論罪的問題,是應當回歸連續犯數罪之本質而論以數罪併罰?或是因多個施用毒品時、空密接而可能構成接續犯?或是由毒品成癮性之本質可推論出構成集合犯之結論?而採取哪一種論罪方式何種較為合理、又將面臨何種問題? 本文第七至九章將論及我國衛生署、法務部近年積極推動之「毒品病患愛滋減害計畫」,包括替代療法、清潔針具計畫2大部分,並自美國、英國、瑞士等施行減害計畫多年國家之經驗中,檢討減害計畫之優、缺點及效果、利益,並敘述減害計畫於我國推行時遇到之問題。 本文第十章則敘述我國地方法院檢察署於推動減害計畫時,立於何種角色? 將替代療法作為緩起訴條件時將遇到哪些問題?並對97年4月8日修正通過之毒品危害防制條例第24條之戒癮療法緩起訴加以評述,並提出修法建議。


In our country the policy applying to the crime of using illegal drugs has been changed many times during the past one hundred years. The main law - Drug Prevention and Control Act which applies to those who commit the crime of using illegal drugs has ever been modified many times. This article tries to study the resolution of the attitude of our government on the issue of the crime of using illegal drugs from the material of the relative law modified processes during the past years. Furthermore, I explore the problem about people who commit the crime using illegal drugs should be punished or be forgiven. It is a hard choice in the drug policy of each country, It is an issue to be disputed in the scholastic field either. I try to study the behavior of those using drugs producing what effects on themselves and on our society triggering and extending what other kinds of criminal and try to state the reason we needing to give punishment on them. In chapter 6 I study the problem of how to give punishments on the behavior of multiple using drugs after the law of committing a crime of using drugs continuously to be modified such as giving punishment on committing many crimes at the same time due to the essence of committing different crimes continuously or constituting of committing the crime counting for those using various drugs at the same time or at short intervals or having the possibility to be transferred into committing another kind of crime - collage crime based on the addiction character of using drug. What problems will be faced if we adopt different crime punishments and what option will be more appropriate. From chapter seven to nine I discuss the project of the Harm Reduction Program executed by the Department of Health and the Department of Justice. It consists of two parts. Maintenance Treatment Therapy and Syringe Exchange Program. I discuss the merits, disadvantages, the effects and the benefits of the Harm Reduction Program by using the experiences of US, England and Switzerland which have executed the same program for many years. Then I state the way our country executing this program and the relative problems we have met. In the chapter ten I try to discuss the main organization - District Prosecutors Office of county which detects the crime of using drug playing what kind of role when propelling the Maintenance Treatment Therapy in the Project of the Harm Reduction Program. In this article I try to dig out what kind of problems will be induced if we let people who uses drug and is being charged accept Maintenance Therapy as a condition to give him Deferred Prosecution. I make a critic analysis on the Addiction Treatment therapy Deferred Prosecution - the 24th item of the law - Damage Prevention of Drug modified at the date of 8th April 2008.




