  • 學位論文


The Research on Criminal Justice Policies and Decriminalization related Drugs Abuse

指導教授 : 楊士隆


由於過去施用毒品行為不見容於道德規範及公眾觀感,主要的原因是施用毒品行為被質疑與犯罪關係密切。故許多國家乃將毒品一類的物質加以列管。然而施用毒品與犯罪行為間的關聯性尚存有爭議。且本研究發現,無論是國內或美國,重刑化政策並非降低施用毒品行為或其再犯率的妥當政策,且現行毒品危害防制條例的嚇阻策略並無法有效抗制藥物濫用。 藥物濫用人口與再犯率的居高不下,且基於施用毒品具有自傷行為及無被害者犯罪的本質。故許多國家開始選擇透過醫療處遇、減害計畫或替代療以協助減緩藥物濫用的影響。採此政策的國家包括英國、荷蘭、葡萄牙以及澳大利亞等國。彼等主張,透過藥物濫用除罪化政策,藥物的價格與供應將獲得控制,並可避免藥癮者為購得毒品而犯罪,犯罪率及毒品肇致的死亡率或愛滋病亦可望降低。在此政策架構下,持有僅供個人所需藥物或其施用行為雖仍屬違法,但僅受行政罰處罰,而不再屬於刑罰追訴的範圍。雖然目前採取藥物施用行為除罪化政策之國家,其藥物使用率比起歐盟其他國家,仍未大幅降低。但與藥物濫用相關的疾病及死亡率則已大幅減少。 藥物政策專家指出,採取藥物施用行為除罪化政策,將有助於政府對民眾提供有效的藥癮處遇並大幅降低與藥癮有關的病理現象。儘管毒品除罪化政策仍具爭議性,近期之間亦尚難在國內實施,然而就此議題參考他國的成功經驗與進一步的研究無疑是必要的。


Drugs abuse are acts considered illegal because they conflict with moral rules and public opinion. One of the main reason is their relationship with crime. Most nations outlaw a wide variety of drugs they consider harmful. However, the cause-and-effect relation between drugs addicts and crime is endless disputing. Our research finds that severe punishment in Taiwan or in the U.A.is not the appropriate strategy to lower the rate of drugs abuse or recidivism. Furthermore ,the massive effort according to the Narcotics Endangerment Prevention Act through deterrence strategies to fight against drugs abuse has not proved successful. The crime rate and recidivism remain high. However , base on the innate character of autonomy and victimless crime in drugs abuse. Many countries choose policies which may help mitigate the effects of drug abuse include drugs treatment policies, harm reduction policies ,drug substitution programs, as well as decriminalization policy in drugs abuse. Including England, Netherlands , Portugal or Australia and so on, they set up a claim if drugs use were decriminalized ,price and distribution could be controlled. This would reduce addicts’cash requirement ,so crime rates would drop ,drug related deaths and AIDS would decline . Within this legal framework, drug possession for personal use and drug usage are still legally prohibited, but violations of those prohibitions are deemed to be exclusively administrative violations and are removed completely from the criminal realm. Although the postdecriminalization usage rates of these countries have remained roughly the same or even decreased slightly when compared with other EU states, drug-related pathologies such as sexually transmitted diseases and deaths due to drug usage have decreased dramatically. Drug policy experts attribute those positive trends to the enhanced ability of the government to offer treatment programs through drugs abuse decriminalization. Finally, decriminalization of controlled substances is debatable and unlikely feasible in our country the near term, but to consult other countries and further study is warranted.




林志鴻(2014)。以少年警察隊的觀點論少年施用毒品之現況與 對策〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613574380
