  • 學位論文


A Study on Knowledge and Prevention Needs of Adolescents' Drug Abuse Among Junior High School Mentors

指導教授 : 孟維德


本研究主要目的在了解國中導師本身是否具備足夠的藥物濫用知識與能力;在處理班級學生藥物濫用的過程,導師所面對的問題及需要的協助等。以作為各界在訂定降低少年新施用人口校園策略方面的參考。 本研究採用質性方式,深度訪談七位大台北地區曾輔導過藥物濫用學生的國中導師,其所相對應學生案例共十二例。期能在信效度上達到客觀的程度,以了解教育現場第一線導師所面對學生藥物濫用的狀況。 研究結果發現:一、藥物濫用學生特性方面: 家庭部分,正常家庭與高風險家庭各半;監控力不足;缺乏愛與關心的人。學生個人部分:男多於女;國二至國三被發現吸毒;毒品以朋友免費提供最多;好奇與朋友慫恿是吸食主因;九成吸菸、七成喝酒;學業成就普遍較低;同儕關係尚佳;五成與導師關係不錯;個性易衝動、易受引誘、想要依賴其他勢力。個人成癮性部分,除非導師與家長協助,否則吸食毒品學生幾乎都成癮戒治困難。未來前途方面,學生國中畢業之後進出少觀所比例高。學生犯罪性部分,比例不高。二、導師藥物資訊來源:藥物資源不足;被動接受藥物資訊;被動得知學生藥物濫用;對學生藥物濫用無警覺心;無法辨識學生藥物濫用狀況。三、用藥學生對班級學習與班級經營影響部分,資深導師、帶班風格強勢、班級正向學生多則班級較不受影響。四、導師處理學生個案過程:對上課睡覺、精神失常上課失控、偏差結伴同儕部分感覺無力。導師與藥用學生建立信賴關係是了解與處理問題的基礎。導師無法掌握用藥孩子的心;學校對偏差行為學生或復學生課程安排僵化;一般生藥物輔導資源不足。五、現今的校園支持系統比較二十年前已大有改善。六、成功幫助學生戒毒的兩位導師背景與作法。 根據研究發現建議:導師方面1.應建立愛而專業權威力量;2.應主動為偏差行為學生找尋有利資源;3.應以班級團結力為班級經營重心,增進同儕正向關係;4.應在國一入學之初,多向學生講述學校生活適應方法;5.對行為偏差學生少以記過方式處理;6.多作課堂間巡視;7.多充實藥物濫用知識及言語諮商課程;(8)與家長建立立即合作聯絡網。在學校體制上(1)強化導師場域經理人角色,增強導師犯罪預防能力;(2)減少導師教學時數增加導師監控功能;(3)恢復導師家訪制;(4)增加音樂等心靈療癒課程;(5)恢復八上法治課程。家庭方面(1)應避免寵溺孩子、避免拳腳相向、多了解孩子朋友;(2)應注意孩子常規及學業狀況。(3)七升八及八升九暑假應為學生安排活動課程。(4)應由社福單位為家庭失功能學生建立第二個家庭。


藥物濫用 少年 國中導師 毒品


The purpose of this study was to understand whether mentors of junior high schools have adequate knowledge and competency of drug abuse, what the challenges they confront with and assistance they need in the process of dealing with student’s drug abuse problems. The results of this study can be utilized as the reference for setting up academic strategies of reducing the prevalence of drug abuse in the campus. A qualitative research design was utilized in this study, depth interview with 7 junior high school mentors who have ever worked with drug abuse students in Greater Taipei. A total of twelve corresponding student cases were recruited in this study. With this rigorous research design, the level of objectivity can be achieved in aspects of reliability and validity. Moreover, it would help us understand how the frontline mentors confront with students’ drug abuse issues. This study revealed six major findings. Firstly, the drug abuse students’ characteristic in (1) family : normal families and high risk ones are half and half, mostly are in lack of monitoring ability,love and care.(2) In student himself, male is more than female in quantities, mostly to be discovered drug abuse during eighth to ninth grade, drug free supplied by friends, curiosity and instigated by friends are the most two reasons for the first drug use, ninety percent smoke and 70% alcoholist, low level in study achievement, peer relationship still good, half keep good relationship with their mentors, easy to get impulsed or lured and try to rely on a power.(3)In addiction, without teachers or parents’ assistance, the addicted students are difficult to get rid of the addiction of drug abuse. (4)For the prospective, most drug abuse adolescents enter into Juvenile Detention House.(5)For other criminal behaviors, not so many in ratio. Secondly, about mentor’s drug sources: mentors in lack of the sources, passive to get the drug information and adolescent’s drug abuse cases, no cautious, unable to identify adolescents’ drug abuse symptons. Thirdly, drug abusers’ influence on other students learning and mentors’ class management : with experienced senior mentors、peremptory in class management and more postive thinking students, the bad influence will get less. Fourthly, the process of handling the cases : mentors feel powerless in adolescents’ sleeping in class、insanity、lose control in class and delinquent peers, trustworthy relationship is the base of understanding and solving problems, mentors don’t know how to grasp students’ mind, rigid curriculum for reentry or deviant behavior adolescents, drug resource is not enough for normal students.Fifthly, a greater progress in supporting in junior high campus than twenty years ago.Sixthly, two special cases to help adolescents recovery from drug abuse, mentors’ background and methods. According to the results of this study, it is recommended in mentors that (1) to set up a power with love, professional and authority; (2) find efficient resources for deviation adolescents; (3) focus on the cohension of the class students and improve the peer positive relationship; (4) emphasis on how to adapt in junior high school life for the new students ; (5) not to have demerits to punish deviation, give self-respect for the adolescents; (6) make more rounds during classes; (7) get more knowledge on drug abuse and language counseling. In school system, it is recommanded that (1) intensify the role of place manager and criminal prevention ability on mentors; (2) decrease mentors’loadings in order to increase their surveillance rolls and functions; (3) resume the policy of homevisit by mentors; (4) add soul healing courses like music; (5) resume legal courses. For family, it is recommanded that (1) not spoil kids too much, avoid fighting them, more understanding to friends around; (2) pay more attention to kids’ conventional behaviors and study performance; (3) arrange summer vacation activities during eighth and ninth grades; (4) set up a new home by social welfare department for adolescents who have functionless family.


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