  • 學位論文


The Study of the Total Solution System for Quitting Drug

指導教授 : 管高岳


本論文第一章約略敘述研究動機目的及角度方法,並說明研究範圍及架構。本論文主要係就我國目前毒品防範制度加以觀察、分析及批判,再參照國外之制度及作法,深入探討毒品氾濫行為之本質,冀能建構合理有效之毒品防範措施。 本論文第二章首就「毒品」之定義、特性、種類等加以確定,並論述我國歷年來防制毒品之相關法案內容與制定背景。次介紹現階段「寬嚴併進」之國際刑事政策走向,即對輕微犯罪及具有矯治可能性之犯罪人,使用緩和、寬容的非機構化處遇,透過「轉向」(diversion)措施,採取緩起訴處分、緩刑、電子監控…等措施,代替傳統自由刑。進而思考我國施用毒品行為尚未完全「除罪化」前,政府應採何種處遇機制對待毒癮矯治與教化? 第三章係嘗試介紹英、美、日、德、中國大陸…等國之毒品法律規範,以瞭解各國對施用毒品行為所進行之不同程序與處遇,期知現階段國際社會對毒癮矯治之潮流與方向,以作為我國未來立法政策修改之參考。 第四章則從「犯罪」之定義、施用毒品行為之論罪理論、美國毒癮除罪與否之爭論,探求施用毒品之自傷性行為,究應「犯罪化」?或予以「除罪化」?俾利後續對於「施用毒品行為」處遇程序之修正。 第五章則在尋求符合憲法人權保障之毒癮矯治機制,本文建議採行「社區處遇」方式增進戒癮之效能,並以新竹地檢署為例,介紹我國毒品減害替代療法之實施程序。再對我國戒毒機制提出除罪化、醫療化、非機構化之個人看法,以供國內毒品刑事政策立法之參考,達預防再犯之目的。 末章則綜合本論文之研究結果,指出我國目前毒品防範制度之缺失,並介紹現階段法務部針對預防毒癮再犯之新措施。最後建議:在施用毒品行為尚未完全「除罪化」之前,應配合「寬嚴併進」之刑事政策走向,摒除傳統「監禁隔離」之策略,建構毒癮者社區支持網絡,將戒癮處遇制度「轉向」,改以檢察官緩起訴處分、「替代療法」等方式處理,以協助施毒者回歸社會、遠離毒品。


In this paper, the second chapter is to define "drugs", the characteristics and types to be identified and a discussion of Taiwan's drug-related bills over the years, control the content and development of the background. Moreover, to introduce the term "degrees of strictness for Better Services" of the International Criminal policy direction, that is, correcting for minor crimes and have the possibility of the perpetrators, the use of relaxation, tolerance, non-institutionalized at the opportunity, through the "shift" (diversion) of measures taken to slow prosecution of punishment, probation, electronic monitoring and other measures ... to replace the traditional freedom of punishment. Further reflection of Taiwan's application of drugs act has not been completely "decriminalization"; the Government should adopt what at the event mechanism to deal with drug addiction correction and enlightenment? Chapter III of the Department try to introduce the drugs are legal norms of international law in different countries such as the British, the United States, Japan, Germany, China and other countries, in order to understand the behavior of countries carried out by administering drugs to a different process and at the event, a view known at this stage correction of the international community for drug addiction. The trends and directions are as a legislative policy change of Taiwan's future reference. The fourth chapter is from the “crime” to define the drug-behavior whether or not “a criminal act”, and a controversy whether the U.S. drug decriminalization or not, and explores the application of drug-self-injury. A study of drug-behavior is "a criminal act”? Or should be "decriminalized"? In order to serve the follow-up “acts of administration of drug" treatment program of the amendment. Chapter V is to search for constitutional protection of human rights of drug correction mechanism. This article suggests the implementation of "community treatment" method of enhancing the effectiveness of addictions and makes the Hsinchu District Prosecutor's Office as an example, Taiwan's drug-replacement therapy of the implementation of harm-reduction program. Another mechanism for Taiwan's drug decriminalization, medical technology, deinstitutionalization of the personal points of view as to the criminal legislation and policy for domestic drug reference, in order to prevent recidivism purposes. At last, the study consolidates the results of this paper pointed out that Taiwan's current system, the lack of drug prevention and introduces the Ministry of Justice for the prevention of drug addiction at this stage of the new measures recidivism. Final recommendations: In the application of drugs act has not been completely "mini three links" should be preceded with the "less favorable for Better Services" of the criminal policy direction, sets aside the traditional "prison isolation" of the strategy, and builds a community support network of drug addicts will quit addiction and replaced by the prosecutor to prosecute slow action, "alternative therapies" and other manner in order to assist those who return to society poisoning, stay away from drugs.


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