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Textual Templates in Early Buddhist Texts: A Study of Suttas Associated with the Buddha's Enlightenment Announcement




Why early Buddhist texts present highly consistency, but at the same time, they contain many variations? To answer this question, this paper provides a theory of textual templates and variables. The textual templates maintain the uniformity required for communal recitations; they function as a memory aid, an editorial tool, and a mechanism for oral transmission of early Buddhist texts. On the other hand, the variables contribute to the variety of early Buddhist texts. The change of variables is the main difference observed between one text and another. This study focuses on those suttas in the Pāli Nikāyas which include the fixed expressions for the Buddha's enlightenment announcement as a case study. Then, a comparative study between the Pāli suttas and their parallel texts in the Chinese Āgamas is also done. Both the Pāli texts and the Chinese texts apply the fixed expressions and the textual templates associated with the Buddha's announcement of his enlightenment. Comparatively, the compliers of the Pāli Nikāyas use them more systematically than those of the Chinese Āgamas do. In these texts, one significant theme is the three turning of the four noble truths emphasised in various parallels of the Turning of the Dhamma Wheel Sutta. Besides, most of these suttas are affiliated with the teaching on the triad of gratification, danger and escape, and the teaching that combines the triad with the four noble truths. The application of textual templates and variables is an efficient and critical method to study early Buddhist texts. It can tell that some are in the same templates but different from their variables, and some are with the same variable, though in different templates. In this way, full or partial parallel texts can be easily detected from hundreds of texts in different Buddhist traditions and languages, which is crucial for comparative studies of early Buddhist texts.


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東晉.瞿曇僧伽提婆譯,《中阿含經》,CBETA, T 26。
東晉.瞿曇僧伽提婆譯,《增一阿含經》,CBETA, T 125。
東晉.卑摩羅叉譯,《十誦律.五百比丘結集三藏法品第一》,CBETA, T23, no. 1435。
符秦.僧伽跋澄譯,《鞞婆沙論.四聖諦處第三十二之餘》,CBETA, T28, no. 1547。
