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"The Light Which Lets One See the Buddha" in the Huayan Sutra: Linguistic Features of the Original Verses and Their Hermeneutical Development by Tang-Song Scholars


本研究以《華嚴經》的放光見佛偈為例,探討漢譯經偈的語言表徵與後人引述現象之間的連繫,藉此呈現語意成分的映射如何觸發新的經意解讀與運用。據唐實叉難陀的譯本,菩薩「放光」令眾生「見佛」的頌文包含兩偈(八小句),即「又放光明名見佛 此光覺悟將歿者 令隨憶念見如來 命終得生其淨國 見有臨終勸念佛 又示尊像令瞻敬 俾於佛所深歸仰 是故得成此光明」。此段落於《華嚴經》旨在講述菩薩因應各別眾生的需要,於三昧中放大光明。然而,唐宋時期的祖師依於個別知識背景和弘法需求,對放光見佛偈有多元擇取與解讀。頌文不僅廣為淨土祖師論著所徵引,本土編纂的佛教類書將之收錄於「瞻病」或「斂念」部類下,甚至律學著作也援用此偈頌論證僧團臨終照護的軌則。古德的引述或轉用似乎是在《華嚴經》既有的語意基礎上,開拓出不同的運用範疇。緣此,本文解析放光見佛偈於《華嚴經》文脈下的語句形式與意義,其次條陳不同釋氏文類的引述情況。基於上列兩者的異同現象,論述放光見佛偈的信息結構與經偈意義發展之間的緊密關係。


華嚴 放光 見佛 示尊像 臨終照護


The aim of this study is to analyze how the mapping of semantic components triggers new interpretations and applications. The current paper takes the Chinese verses from the Huayan Sutra as an example to present the connection between linguistic features of the original verses and their hermeneutical development by Tang-Song scholars. The passage of "the light which lets one see the Buddha" consists of two verses, which read as follows: "[They] also emit a light called 'seeing Buddha' : this light can awaken those about to die, causing them to see any Buddha they think of, so when their life ends they can be born in that Buddha's pure land. To exhort the dying to remembrance of Buddha, and show them icons for them to behold, causing them to take refuge in the Buddhas, is how this light can be made.” The topic of this section in the Huayan Sutra is that Bodhisattvas emit various rays in the midst of samādhi, and those lights could bring manifold welfares to all sentient beings. However, Tang-Song scholars, on the basis of their individual knowledge and intention, interpret and use the Huayan verses differently. For example, these verses are frequently quoted as a demonstrated example by several masters of the Pure Land Buddhism. Moreover, Buddhist reference books and the works of Vinaya School also treat these verses as Buddhist materials of "attending patients" and "funerals." These quotations or paraphrases seem to be based on the semantic components of the verses, and to develop diverse applications. In this respect, we examine the syntax and semantic of the original verses in the context of the Huayan Sutra, then probe their annotations and phenomena on citations from different Chinese buddhist discourses. The demonstrated examples not only reveal historical changes, but also show the close relationship between information structures of the verses and the development of their meanings.


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