  • 學位論文


Accomplishment and achievement verbs and pre- and postverbal YI in Chinese Buddhist texts in Early Medieval Chinese Miàofǎ liánhuā jīng, Āhánjīng

指導教授 : 梅思德


本研究旨在闡明中古漢譯佛經達成動詞(accomplishment)和瞬成動詞(achievement)與動詞前後「已」的互動。研究語料取材自妙法蓮花經與阿含經,動詞範疇以Vendler’s (1967) 四種動相為分類;根基於歷史語言學脈絡以及佛教哲學理論,考究動詞各種特性與佛經中動詞謂語(VP predicates)的語法特質,聚焦於達成動詞與瞬成動詞的探討。理論採用Rothstein (2004, 2012), Ramchand (2008), 與Aldridge & Meisterernst (2018)進行闡述。Rothstein於其理論框架中,提出漸進均質(incremental homogeneity)的觀念和論述,用來研究活動動詞(activity)與達成動詞的區別;此外,Rothstein於文中討論達成動詞的語意結構,亦有利於本研究針對佛經語料中動詞「供養」、「過」、「滅度」的討論。為了進一步討論佛經動詞的界限性(telicity),本文運用Ramchand對事件結構的句法語意分析,嘗試探討中古漢語「已」因體貌詞綴遺失所形成的語法化(grammaticalization)路徑;此現象促成「已」從詞彙動詞語法化為次要謂語 (Aldridge and Meisterernst 2018)。本研究調查結果發現,達成動詞與瞬成動詞的差別關鍵在於以佛教哲學觀點探討的界限性。


The purpose of this thesis is to shed some light on the telicity of Vendler’s (1967) classical categories modified by pre- and postverbal yĭ 已 in the Buddhist texts Miàofǎ liánhuā jīng, and Āhánjīng. Based on historical linguistics perspectives and the Buddhist philosophy, this study explores various properties of verbs, especially focusing on accomplishment and achievement verbs. To investigate the different linguistic properties that VP predicates have in Buddhist texts, we adopt the frameworks of Rothstein (2004, 2012), Ramchand (2008), and Aldridge and Meisterernst (2018). Rothstein’s proposal shows the notion of incremental homogeneity to contrast activities with accomplishments. In addition, Rothstein discusses the semantic structure of accomplishment. These methods are beneficial for our analysis of the data - gòng yǎng供養, guò過, and mièdù 滅度 - which we discuss in this study. In order to further discuss the telicity of the Buddhist verbs, we apply the semantic analysis of some of the data to the syntactic structures Ramchand proposed in her event-structure syntax. Since our study focuses on Early Medieval Chinese, we also need to discuss the yĭ 已 grammaticalization which was triggered by the loss of aspectual affixes. This phenomenon causes yĭ 已 to be interpreted from a lexical verb to a secondary predicate (Aldridge and Meisterernst 2018). The findings demonstrate key differences between accomplishment and achievement verbs which were analyzed from Buddhist perspectives, in particular, with respect to the telicity features of the verbs in their context of Buddhism philosophy.


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