  • 期刊


Rebuilding Daily Life, Returning to Sacredness: Disaster Chronicling and Spiritual Healing in Auvinni Kadreseng's The Disappearing Country




The Disappearing Country by Rukai writer, Auvinni Kadreseng, describes the migration of the tribe Kucapungane after experiencing years of disasters. In particular, the 2009 Typhoon Morakot destroyed the New Kucapungane village, forcing the villagers to move to permanent housing in Rinali. This study delves into the text, analyzing how the author records this important history of tribal migration. The author emotionally recounts the loss and rebuilding of the sense of community, exhibiting a unique emotional identity and conflict. This study first examines the topic of identity during displacement, exploring the possibilities and difficulties of the tribe to reconnect with its traditional culture while being forced to continuously relocate. Secondly, the study looks at the self-consolation and spiritual healing the tribe has been carrying out through the use of its indigenous language, Christianity, and even through calls to nature. Although these healing processes did not necessarily lead to any systematic philosophical reflection or religious enlightenment, they allowed the villagers to mentally reconcile the new post-disaster conditions of daily life.


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