  • 期刊


The Effects of Real Time Traffic Information on Freeway Travelers' Route Switching Behavior


由於運輸研究中若未能充分地將無法量化因子(如認知、態度及偏好等)建構於模式架構中,將導致模式的解釋能力遭受質疑,有鑑於此,本研究乃嘗試應用結構整合模式,以其子模式之一「衡量方程式」連結無法量化的隱藏變數,更進一步將此隱藏變數連結於另一子模式「結構方程式」中,最後將校估求得之隱藏變數視為一解釋變數置於選擇模式中,如此一來,模式之解釋能力將相對提高,更能精確地描述運輸系統使用者之各種行為。本研究之實證部分,將應用結構整合模式探討中山高速公路即時交通資訊系統對用路人行駛路線改變之影響,目前中山高速公路現有之即時交通資訊系統計有電台交通報導(radio traffic reports, RTR)和可變訊息標誌(changeable message signs, CMS)。研究結果可供高速公路局於提供交通道路路況資訊時之參考。


Due to the drawback of insufficiently to incorporating quality factors in the transportation models in the previous studies, the predicting ability has been argued and questioned. This research therefore proposes a methodological framework to incorporate latent factors, such as attitudes and perceptions in structural equations model system. The system, including two equations: measurement equations and structural equations, is used to obtain the values of latent variables. With the estimated latent variables in the discrete choice model, the results, in terms of both explanatory and predicting abilities, are expected to satisfy up to a certain level. The application involves the evaluation of effects of real-time traffic information provided by RTR and CMS on freeway users' route switching behavior in this study. The results obtained from this study can provide valuable insights into the planning and assessment of real-time information strategies and are expected to alleviate the traffic congestion effectively.


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