  • 期刊


Effects of Attribute Processing Strategy on Commuters' Route Choice Behaviors




This study was based on the attribute-based stated choice method. Experimental design, adopted from Hensher's study, was varied with variation in design dimensions, such as number of alternatives, number of choice sets, number of attributes, number of attribute levels, range of attribute levels, etc. Computer-aided questionnaire surveys displaying multidimensional scenarios to participants were conducted to collect the data of commuters' route choice behaviors in Taichung City, Taiwan. Two multinomial logit models and several mixed logit models were applied to investigate the effects of attribute processing strategy on commuters’ route choice behaviors. The willingness to pay calculated from the estimation results, both Taiwan and Sydney, were compared to gain insightful results between these two countries.


民國90 年臺中市主計室工商普查
Hensher, D. A.(2004).Identifying the Influence of Stated Choice Design Dimensionality on Willingness to Pay for Travel Time Savings.Journal of Transport Economics and Policy.38(3),425-446.
Hensher, D. A.,Rose, J.,Greene, W. H.(2005).Applied Choice Analysis: A Primer.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
Hensher, D. A.(2006).How Do Respondents Process Stated Choice Experiments?-Attribute Consideration under Varying Information Load.Journal of Applied Econometrics.21(6),861-878.
