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Analyzing the "Democracy vs. Autocracy" Advocacy of the Biden Administration in the Upcoming US-China Great Power Competition from the Perspective of National Interest


The deterioration of US-China relations since the Trump Administration has little signs of coming back to the status quo ante. Since coming to office in January 2021, President Biden has shown little willingness to roll back some of the punitive measures applied under the previous administration. Instead of focusing primarily on cooperation with China, US President Joe Biden has shown rhetoric of great power competition. To back up his competition strategy, Biden has used the "Democracy vs. Autocracy" advocacy to rally US democratic allies to confront the growing might of the Chinese power. It implies that democratic countries worldwide and the US have a common interest in combating the rise of autocracies, which implicitly means Russia and China. However, by analyzing this advocacy from the perspective of national interests, I argue that this characterization heavily oversimplifies the interests of democratic countries worldwide and disregards the notion that governments have their respective national interests. Additionally, it does not consider the fact that the interests of some authoritarian regimes could align with the US, and it could also invigorate autocracies worldwide to unite and cooperate against the US.


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