  • 期刊


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever with Multiple Organ Damage: Case Report




Dengue fever is an important public health problem in Taiwan and a few epidemics have occurred. A case-control study in Taiwan found that elderly people aged 60 years and above and diabetic patients were independent predictors for death due to dengue hemorrhagic fever. Another Taiwanese cohort study found that organ failure and coagulation disorders were independent predictors for death in hospitalized dengue fever patients. In this case report, a 69-year-old male was re-infected with dengue fever and presented with severe thrombocytopenia accompanied by liver function abnormalities belonging to the high risk population for hemorrhage. He also presented rarely seen but fatal complications such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and kidney damage that were suspected to be caused by dengue fever, of which current clinical therapy experiences are limited. Based on literature review and this case report, we examined the possible complications of organ failure caused by dengue fever, clinical assessment items, and therapeutic measures, so as to enhance the completeness of patient care.
