  • 期刊


Using Interactive Learning as a Part of Pharmacy Training Curriculum


目的:期透過互動式教學訓練新進藥師(post-graduated year, PGY)學員審核處方之能力,並提升其臨床技能應用。方法:參考Give Me Five互動式臨床教學手法,研議處方審議小學堂疑義處方題目與執行方式,於2017年~2019年共舉行三場。課程進行方式包含問題討論、情境模擬演練與教師回饋。評估方式為學前學後筆試測驗、課後滿意度調查與客觀結構式臨床技能評估(objective structured clinical examination, OSCE)及格率。結果:統計結果,共計42名PGY學員參與課程,其中有27位PGY學員完成學前學後筆試測驗,平均成績由52.4 ± 30.7分進步至82.0 ± 17.5分(p < 0.001),課程整體滿意度平均為96.6%,OSCE測驗及格率為77%。結論:處方審議小學堂讓學員可向同儕與教師學習不同思考面向,運用模擬演練提升其跨專業團隊溝通技巧。


Purpose: We used interactive learning as a part of the training for post-graduated year (PGY) pharmacists to improve prescription reviews and clinical skills. Method: We created a curriculum that is based on the Give Me Five interactive teaching method. From 2017 to 2019, a total of three sessions were held. Each session included a discussion of clinical scenarios, simulation exercises, and feedback from mentors. The evaluation methods are pre- and post- curriculum written examinations, a satisfaction survey and objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) pass rates. Result: A total of 42 PGY pharmacists participated in this curriculum, with 27 PGY pharmacists completing both pre- and post- curriculum written examination. The average written examination scores increased from 52.4 ± 30.7 points to 82.0 ± 17.5 points (p < 0.001). 96.6% felt that the curriculum were satisfactory, and the OSCE pass rate is 77%. Conclusions: Using interactive learning as a part of the pharmacists' curriculum allows them to develop different contextual thinking from their peers and mentors, while at the same time, the simulation exercises enhanced their inter-professional team communication skills.
