  • 期刊


The Issues of Marital Conflict and Martial Relationship: The Case of Married People with School-age Children




This research is aimed at finding out how conflicting issues affect marital relationship with focus on married people bearing school-age children and how male and female respond to conflicts respectively. Conflicts are examined in four ways: their frequency, how serious they are, if they are easy to be solved, and their pressure. These four aspects are then cross-examined to determine which factors affect marital satisfaction and stability the most. The number of effective samples from Taipei area is 501, including 251 males, and 250 females. The findings are as follows. In terms of frequency, arguments involving children and husband-wife interaction have the highest and the second highest occurring rates, respectively. In terms of seriousness, both men and women regard children and monetary issues as their grave concerns. Monetary issues and extramarital affairs pose challenges to couples as these two problems are hard to handle while most pressure comes from monetary issues.Take a closer look at the aspect of frequency in conflict analysis. Males feel the conflicts pertaining to family activity arrangements, characteristics of spouse, and extramarital affairs have the greatest influences on the level of marital satisfaction and extramarital affairs affect the stability the most. Factors containing the characteristics of spouse, monetary issues, and extramarital affairs influence wives more in terms of marital satisfaction, and extramarital affairs bring the severest damage to the stability in females' views. With regard to the aspect of pressure, males perceive conflicts caused by dealing with the family members and friends of their spouses affect marital satisfaction, while females' extramarital affairs. Both males and females agree extramarital affairs exert the most damaging power on the marital stability.
