  • 期刊


The Interaction and Reflections on the Cross-Strait Peace-Strategy under Globalization-The New Thought on the Course of Taiwan and China becoming more Peaceful




The recent cross-strait relationship, affected by the progression of globalization, has become even more dependent and closely bounded to each other. Due to the globalization of economy, the cross-strait trade and corporation has become more close-knit, and with the yearly uprising of the total volume of cross-strait trade, China has come to be an important industrial base of Taiwan's oversea businesses because there has already been a considerable amount of investments within. The speedy integration and reciprocal development on trade between cross-strait has become a significant achievement in the course of the corporation and trades cross-strait. The demise and reductions of the sovereign rights of nations has become a common experience in developing regional integration; though China insists on the "one China" policy during the development of the cross-strait relationship, it is understood by both sides that keeping abeyance the controversy of sovereign right, and enhancing communications and consultations are the principle strategies to solving the cross-strait political problems. On the other hand, under the development of global security, most of the nations around the world emphasize on the new security concept-the development of global safety and cooperative security, rather than the conventional (military) security. So far the "harmonious world" diplomatic strategy is declared by the PRC to enhance the harmonious diplomatic relationships with its neighbor countries. Proposals such as the outline of a peaceful development of cross-strait relations, the cross-strait military exchange and contact, the mutual trust military security mechanisms are stated in an attempt to end the state of hostility and to achieve a cross-strait peace negotiation. It is obvious that the cross-strait relation has been oriented towards a cooperative, peaceful and reconciling state.


