  • 學位論文


A Study of China’s Policy on Taiwan since “Hu Jintao’s Six-point” Proposal

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 龔春生


中共對台政策的發展,向來有一貫性、連續性及延續性的特質存在。從第一代領導人毛澤東起,至第四代胡錦濤止,在對台政策的態度上,始終堅持「一個中國」基本原則不變;在作法上,則因應各時期不同的領導人及時空背景稍作調整,因而有「一國兩制」、「江八點」及「胡六點」等各代表不同階段及時期的指導方針出現。 在歷經「兩國論」、「一邊一國論」與台灣二次政黨輪替後,兩岸兩會在「九二共識」及「擱置爭議」的共識下,恢復協商,並完成兩岸「大三通」等多項協議。而中共國家主席胡錦濤在經歷半年的互動觀察後,於2008年12月31日在紀念「告台灣同胞書」三十週年的座談會上,發表「胡六點」講話,這是繼1979年「告台灣同胞書」及1995年「江八點」以來,第三份對台政策的重要文件。 相較於以往,「胡六點」的提出,雖然仍受到少數族群的批判,但是大多數的輿論都給予高度的肯定。主要是因為「胡六點」的講話,開啟了兩岸和平發展的新時代。和平發展是兩岸任何意識型態的人,都不能拒絕的導向,從這個角度來看,「胡六點」不僅是中共對台政策的指導方針,更是兩岸關係暨各方利益發展的指導文件。今日,在此難得的氛圍及機緣下,如何「求同存異」累積政治互信及建構「和平協議」框架,深信在胡錦濤主政下的中共高層,應該已有一套完整的概念及規劃方向。 本文研究認為,繼兩岸經貿合作發展,中共將會積極推動兩岸政治性談判及簽署「和平協議」架構,誘使台灣逐步邁向統一。只是當前兩岸仍缺乏互信,北京當局若能真誠以對,正視「中華民國」仍然存在的事實,重新檢視「一中原則」的真實意涵,從兩岸現實出發,方能在對等的狀況下,進行對話,建構兩岸真正和平發展的新契機。


The development of China’s Taiwan policy has been characteristically consistent, persistent, and continuous. From China’s first-generation leader, Mao Zedong, to the fourth-generation leader, Hu Jintao, the primary principle of “One-China” in Taiwan Policy has not altered. The method, on the other hand, is slightly adjusted throughout in response to diversity in leadership, as well as time and almosphere; hence, different guidelines, i.e. “One Country, Two Systems”, “Jiang Zemin’s Eight-point Proposal”, and “Hu Jintao’s Six-point Proposal”, arose, representative of each genera-tion. After the “Two States Theory”, “One Country on Each Side”, and with Taiwan having been through two alternations of political parties in power, China and Taiwan resumed negotiation on the basis of the “1992 Consensus” and the common agreement to “shelved controversies”, and estab-lished several cross-strait agreements, including “Three Links”. President of the People’s Republic of China, Hu Jintao, after six months of interaction and observation, offered “Hu Jintao’s Six-point Proposal” on December 31st, 2008, in a ceremony commemorating the 30th anniversary of the an-nouncement of “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan”. This is one of the three important documents of China’s Taiwan Policy, following “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan” in 1979, and “Jiang Ze-min’s Eight-point Proposal” in 1995. Unlike its predecessors, even though the six-point proposal is still criticized by minorities, it is highly praised by most, as it brings forth a new era of cross-strait peaceful development. A peaceful development is a trend undeniable to individuals of any ideology from both sides of Taiwan Strait. From this point of view, “Hu Jintao’s Six-point Proposal” not only functions as a guideline of Chi-na’s Taiwan policy, but it is also a guiding document serving the interests of cross-strait relations and benefits. With such a rare ambience and a now-or-never chance standing in front of them, the high authorities in China under the leadership of Hu Jintao must already possess a complete concept and direction as to how to accumulate mutual political trust by “seeking common ground while reserving discrepancies”, and to build up the framework for a “Peace Agreement”. The study suggests that, following the cross-strait economic and trade cooperation, China will actively initiate political negotiations and the signing of “Peace Agreement”, inducing Taiwan to-wards unification. Nonetheless, mutual trust is still insufficient and percarious. Only if the authori-ties of China can truthfully recognize that the “Republic of China” still exists, and re-examine the actual meaning of “One China Principle”, can the two sides communicate with each other in view of current reality on equal standpoints, establishing a new juncture through which peaceful devel-opment can come true.


中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室網站.http://www. scio. goo. cn/
