  • 學位論文


The Research on Mainland China Policy of Ma Ying-jeou Government(2008.5~2010.5)

指導教授 : 潘錫堂 龔春生


鑑於民進黨執政八年時期,因陳水扁政府之「一邊一國」、「正名制憲」訴求以追求法理獨立,更推行「返聯公投」、「烽火外交」等政策而使兩岸關係陷入僵化與對立;在經濟方面也因「去中國化」而喪失與中國經濟同步發展的良機,在全球化趨勢的時代裡,竟使台灣遭受被邊緣化的危機。 馬英九就任中華民國第十二任總統後的第一件事,便是以「一中各表之九二共識」的再肯定,作為重新開啟兩岸之間會談的基礎,欲帶領兩岸關係朝向和平發展的路途邁進。以「不獨、不統、不武」之「新三不政策」的新中間路線,期與中國修復破裂的兩岸關係。在實質互動上,則以「開放與鬆綁」來推動兩岸各項交流與合作。 馬政府執政兩年以來,四次海基海協兩會制度性協商中,順利簽署了攸關兩岸人民利益的十二項協議;「活路外交」模式也讓台灣在外交上不再因邦交國的流失而惶然,並於2009年5月順利成為世衛觀察員,更是台灣外交史上近年來最佳成就。但在兩岸關係改善的良好氣氛中,國內朝野對立卻因對馬政府捍衛台灣主權的疑慮而逐漸升高,對馬英九2012年是否能夠連任也帶來極大的變數與不確定。在中國高漲的民族主義及美國的國家利益導向之下,中華民國如何在兩大世界強權的夾縫中堅持主權國家之定位,是馬英九政府亟需思考的問題。 馬英九主張兩岸「和平發展」的基本理念,兩岸關係重啟嶄新的一頁。對岸的胡錦濤也以同樣宣示做為呼應,更指示大陸相關人員在協商ECFA簽署事宜時全面「讓利」台灣,主要是在展現回應台灣的民主與民意之誠意。如此作為與其說是經濟面的行動,不如說是政治面的考量。兩岸互動雖有「先經後政」之默契,但經濟與政治實是一體之兩面,從來未曾涇渭分明。目前兩岸關係發展雖至前所未有的和諧,但中國迅速崛起,國力日益壯大,對台灣的武力威脅不曾一日或缺。胡錦濤一面聲聲呼籲「寄希望於臺灣人民」,一面卻以「反國家分裂法」緊扼住台灣追求主權獨立的希望,如此軟硬兼施的兩手策略,是兩岸關係無論如何正向發展都始終無法擺脫的陰霾。政治性談判在不遠的將來是兩岸必須面對的課題,無論是軍事互信機制的建立,亦或是簽署和平協議以結束兩岸敵對狀態,大陸對台灣主權的尊重是最重要的關鍵。 中華民國在台灣所發展出的民主與自由,是中國文明史上最珍貴的資產之一,我們也期盼大陸的政治制度逐漸邁向民主發展。兩岸互動若能遵守「以經濟柔化政治、以和平取代武力」的基本準則,兩岸始能真正走向「雙贏」的未來。


View of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party during the government of Chen Shui-bian because "Each Side Each Country", "Rectification of Names," Demands the Pursuit of Legal Independence, Implementation of the "Return to the UN Referendum," "Diplomatic War" and other policies which have cross-strait relations into a rigid and the opposite. Also because of the economy "to China" and the economic development of China lost a good opportunity, in the globalization era, brought a subject to being marginalized in Taiwan. The Republic of China, the 12th president Ma Ying-jeou took office after the first thing is the "One China With Each of the 92 Consensus" reaffirm, to re-open as the basis for talks between the two sides.To lead the cross-Strait relations towards peace the road towards development of "No Independence, No Reunification, No use of force," the "Three No's Policy" new middle road, repair of rupture with the Chinese cross-strait relations. In the real interaction, with an undertone of "Open and Relaxed" to promote cross-strait exchanges and cooperation. Ma administration already two years, four SEF and ARATS system of consultations, the successful signing of the vital interests of the people of the 12 cross-strait agreements; "Way Out of Diplomacy" mode also allowed Taiwan's diplomatic allies will not result The loss of the Book Of Disquietude, and in May 2009 well into the WHO observer, it is the best achievements in recent years, Taiwan's diplomatic history. However, in a good atmosphere to improve cross-strait relations, the domestic government and opposition on the horse because of the concerns the government to defend Taiwan's sovereignty is gradually increased, Ma Ying-jeou is able to re-election in 2012 also brought great variables and uncertainties. Rising nationalism in China and the United States under the guidance of national interests, how the Republic of China caught between two world powers insist on a sovereign state of orientation, is necessary for the Government think about Ma Ying-jeou. Ma Ying-jeou he called for "Peaceful Development", the basic idea of restarting a new page in cross-strait relations. The other side of Hu Jintao also echoed the same declaration as a more direct mainland-related personnel matters in the signing of a comprehensive consultation ECFA "none other" Taiwan, mainly in response to Taiwan's democracy and show the people of good faith. Such as the economic side so much action, as it is the political face of the considerations. Although cross-strait interaction, "first by the government after" the understanding, but economic and political reality is one of the two sides has never been entirely different.Although the current development of cross-strait relations to an unprecedented harmony, but the rapid rise of China, the growing strength of Taiwan's military threat has not the 1st or missing. Hu Jintao side repeatedly called for "on the Taiwan people" side of it as "Anti-Secession Law" tight stranglehold pursuit of sovereign independence of Taiwan hope that the carrot and stick two-pronged strategy is the development of cross-strait relations are always positive in any case can not escape haze. Political negotiations in the near future the two sides must face, whether the establishment of "Military Mutual Trust Mechanism", also signed a peace agreement to end or cross-strait hostilities, to respect the sovereignty of Taiwan is the most important key. The democracy and freedom developed in Republic of China on Taiwan is the history of Chinese civilization and one the most valuable assets, and we look forward to mainland China's political system, the first step towards the development of democracy. If compliance with cross-strait relations, "to soften the political and economic order of peace instead of military force," the basic criteria, the two sides before they can really go to "win-win" future.


peaceful development




黃品倩(2012)。兩岸人民關係條例高科技人員赴陸任職之研究 ─對國人赴陸工作權與國家安全之衡平性分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.11006
