  • 期刊


An Economic Analysis of Alternative Rice Insurance Policies in Taiwan


本研究利用主品牌品質認知、次品牌熟悉度及品牌聯盟之契合度三個自變數,檢定5 個研究假設,以探討品牌聯盟對蓮霧品牌評價之影響。本研究採用2(主品牌品質認知:高、低)×2(次品牌熟悉度:高、低)×2(品牌聯盟契合度:高、低)的受測者間之因子實驗設計,包括8 組實驗組及2組控制組。本研究首先施行兩次之預試(pretest),進行變數之操弄(variable manipulation),以選取適合之主次品牌,然後進行正式實驗。本研究利用獨立性t和z檢定及變異數分析進行假設檢定。本研究之結果顯示品質認知高之主品牌蓮霧品牌聯盟前後之品牌評價沒有顯著差異,但品質認知低者則會顯著提高。在影響品牌聯盟評價之因素上,主品牌蓮霧品質認知的高低對蓮霧品牌聯盟評價不具影響,但次品牌之熟悉度及品牌聯盟之契合度則對蓮霧品牌聯盟評價具有直接及交互性之影響。


By empirically examining the effect of perception of primary brandquality,secondary brand familiarity,and fit of brand alliances,the purpose ofthis study is to investigate the effects of brand alliances on brand evaluationsof wax apple.Consequently,five hypotheses were derived.An experimentemploying a 2(perception of primary brand quality:high,low)× 2(secondary brand familiarity:high,low)× 2(fit of brand alliances:high,low)between-subject factorial design with 8 experimental groups and 2control groups was conducted.The main study was followed by two pretestsfor variable manipulations and brand selections.Independent t- and z- testsand ANOVA were used to test the hypotheses.The results finds that brandalliances with lower-quality primary brand significantly influence the brandevaluations,however,those with higher-quality primary brand do not.Quality perceptions of primary brands insignificantly affect the brandalliances evaluations of wax apple,but both secondary brand familiarity andfit of brand alliances directly and interactively affect the brand alliancesevaluations of wax apple.


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