  • 期刊


The Analysis of Household Purchasing Behaviors of Pork in the Taipei Area


本研究應用二元選擇模型來檢視台北地區家庭購買溫體與冷凍(或冷藏)豬肉的消費行為。本研究首先檢視購買者對於豬肉產品特質的認知對其選擇購買豬肉產品形式的影響;隨後,進一步分析購買者對於溫體豬肉與冷凍(或冷藏)豬肉的認知如何受到人口變數的影響進行。 本研究檢視購買者認知對其購買豬肉產品形式的影響,結果顯示:購買者對於豬肉產品價格、新鮮度、衛生水準以及方便性等四項認知顯著地影響購買者選擇購買豬肉產品的形式。由分析人口變數對購買者購買豬肉產品認知的研究結果發現:(1)年齡愈大愈認為溫體豬肉比冷凍冷藏豬肉便宜;(2)同住家人數愈多愈認為溫體豬肉比冷凍冷藏豬肉便宜、新鮮、衛生;(3)全職就業的購買者雖然會認為溫體豬肉比冷凍冷藏豬肉便宜,但卻也認為溫體豬肉比冷凍冷藏豬肉不方便;(4)教育程度愈高愈認為冷凍冷藏豬肉比溫體豬肉新鮮、衛生;(5)家庭月所得愈高愈認為冷凍冷藏豬肉比溫體豬肉新鮮、衛生、方便。 綜合而言:購買者年齡愈大、同住家人數愈多愈傾向購買溫體豬肉;教育程度愈高、家庭月所得愈高的購買者則愈傾向購買冷凍冷藏豬肉。


This study applied Binary Choice Model to investigate the household purchasing behaviors of fresh and frozen (or frosted) pork in the Taipei area. In the first part, we analyzed the effects of purchasers' perception on the characteristics of fresh and frozen (or frosted) pork on their purchasing selection. In the second part, we then analyzed how would the household demographic factors affect the purchasers' perception of the characteristics of different forms of pork. Regarding the effects of purchasers' perception on their purchasing selection, the regression results revealed that the purchaser's perception of price, freshness, cleanliness and convenience of different forms of pork influences the purchasers' pork selection significantly. Moreover, we found the following relations, including: (1) older purchasers tend to have the perception that fresh pork is cheaper; (2) purchasers from large households tend to have the perception that fresh pork is cheaper, fresher, and cleaner; (3) purchasers with full-time jobs tend to have the perception that fresh pork is cheaper than frozen (or frosted) pork, but the latter is more convenient than the former; (4) purchasers with higher education levels tend to have the perception that frozen (or frosted) pork is fresher and more convenient than fresh pork; (5) purchasers with higher household incomes tend to have the perception that frozen (or frosted) pork is fresher, cleaner and more convenient than fresh pork. In conclusion, if a purchaser is older or from a larger household, she (or he) will be inclined to buy fresh pork. On the other hand, if a purchaser has a higher education level or has a higher monthly household income, she (or he) will be inclined to buy frozen (or frosted) pork.


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